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eg6auto 02-17-2015 05:14 PM

Who here has heard or read this before?
TO ALL: "Lawfully Yours" - a People’s Empowerment Guide to Our Corrupt Corporate-Commercial Illegal System . . .

The Lawfully Yours guide contains material authored by Federal Judge Dale, retired, and strategies compiled by others familiar with the commercial nature of our courts. In it Judge Dale exposes our legal system – that we were never taught about – and reveals ways we can defend ourselves from our current parasitic corporate-government and injustice system. From Judge Dale, retired:
“The Federal and State Governments are not real. They are privately owned corporations [listed on Dun and Bradstreet] called governments . . . and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations called statutes.”
Since the founding of our country, the ‘elite’ (and their robber baron partners) have fabricated our history, taken control of our economy and altered our form of government and legal system. The matrix we find ourselves in is brilliantly exposed in Federal Judge Dale’s - a Free Download on 02-18-2015 07:12 AM

nobody, sounds like some conspiracy theorist crap

Koopa Troopa 02-18-2015 07:47 AM

I'm still trying to figure out why people think that exposing the obvious corporate control of our government is going to accomplish anything.

1) We already fucking know
2) Nobody gives a shit
3) You'll never change it
4) OMG Lindsay Lohan did some crazy shit again

96accordsir 02-18-2015 11:10 AM


eg6auto 02-19-2015 08:29 AM

Sheeple being led to the slaughter... Subject was posted to warn those who care enough to stand up and do something about it. Its not a theory when it's proven to be a fact. As they say and do put it right in our faces because they say we are to stupid to figure it out....It's called conditioning of learned helplessness

You'll care when your people start dropping like flies, and if you don't by then it'll be cause you're already dead.

This is for those who want to know the bridge is out around the corner

Koopa Troopa 02-19-2015 09:23 AM

It's simply referred to as "learned helplessness." I'm a psych major dude. Please enlighten me with your vast amounts of knowledge pertaining to conditioning and the human mind.

Apart from trying to enlighten the sheeple, what are you doing about it? I see this shit all the time. OMG SOMEONE NEEDS TO DO SOMETHING ABOUT THIS! Well then, how about you do something about it? Oh yeah, you'll get squashed by a federal agency and then written off as a home grown terrorist.

So again, please refer to:
1) We already fucking know
2) Nobody gives a shit
3) You'll never change it
4) OMG Lindsay Lohan did some crazy shit again

I've got like 40 more years left on this planet (40 if I'm lucky, I am predicting esophageal cancer within the next 15-20 years). All I want to do is make money, drive cars, hang out with my son, drink beer, and put my P in a V every now and then. I believe the same applies to most people in America and until our corporate overlords prevent us from freely doing so then nobody is going to feel the need to rage against the machine. You're more than welcome to hoist a black flag and rise above, but Timothy McVeigh already tried that and it didn't go well for him.

eg6auto 02-19-2015 10:10 AM

I'm getting prepared spiritually, mentally, and physically. Even from all the training I did in the military, I can't only rely on myself or any other human being/entity to save me. The "Rockefellas" own the education system, so I wouldn't rely on it either. I'm not talking about openly challenging the corporations with all the money and guns, etc. to a shoot out. Most of us with weapons will have to use them against each other. Do ur own homework/research. Common sense, isn't a class offered. This was posted to share real life things that effect every one of us, whether we know it or not.
We don't know, what we don't know. If anyone wants me to share links to research on your own, then ask. If you checked the site above before lashing out, maybe you would've kept that to yourself. You can only learn in school what the put in the books for you to learn. learned helplessness is exactly what most are conditioned for. If you can't see that things are really starting to get weird, then you are asleep.

McVeigh was more than likely under MkUltra, he didn't act alone. Its deeper than cars, drugs, and pussy. I used to be the same way, I still have things I need to let go of....

And for the record, I never said we can stop them. The masses will conform or die if they get caught. I'm simply doing a small part by warning others, as that's the right thing to do. This is on an individual level. They killed JFK, MLKJR, MalcomX and countless others for attempting to expose them by telling the truth to the people.

Koopa Troopa 02-19-2015 10:34 AM

I think you could benefit greatly from the message in this video

eg6auto 02-19-2015 10:44 AM

I'm not sure if you know or not but Hollywood in very much satanic, right in our faces and don't even know it. The we feed it to our kids. :nissanfan:

Koopa Troopa 02-19-2015 10:58 AM

To quote the great poet Demi Lovato, "I really don't care."

You're either a troll, or someone who just discovered punk rock. All of your posts have reminded me of old punk songs.

The Hollywood thing? Anti-Heros had a song about that. The sheeple post reminded me of Stiff Little Finger's Suspect Device. I'm waiting for you to start talking about being institutionalized or how Hitler is bad and The Vandals are good.

eg6auto 02-19-2015 11:07 AM

Hope you care enough about your son, then. I won't waste anymore of my time here... You're in for a big surprise along with others that feel or think the same way...

Koopa Troopa 02-19-2015 11:23 AM

I'm sure they said the same thing when FDR introduced the New Deal, but don't you know? Things will change, things will go your way if you hold on for one more day. Hold on for one more day.

Chuck Chainz 02-19-2015 11:37 AM

Nothing to be done but sit, watch, and read about it.
But hey if Fidel Castro and 26 others did it why can't we?

LALO 02-19-2015 09:38 PM

I once was a heavy "conspiracy theorist"

Than I realized that this is all a "game".
Play as who ever you want to be but remember this is all a game. 02-20-2015 07:46 AM

someone just discovered the internet.


Broskiballa 02-20-2015 04:20 PM

I feel the same exact way..

die in a dick fire noob 02-22-2015 08:50 PM

So i always like these threads. OP do you pay taxes? What have you done to distance yourself from the corrupt government and system? What do you do for a living? Do you have a social security number?

Koopa, how bout, I wipe my nuts on your nazi chin!!!!! :)

96accordsir 02-23-2015 10:17 PM

The jewish, reptilian, Illuminati used a cloned GW Bush to project airplane holograms to destroy the world trade center. IN fact no one actually died. they were whisked away to area 51 and brainwashed to promote apple products and vote for a foreign born, gay, muslim man for president who is married to a transvestite who is trying to mind control our children through the school lunch program. Open your eyes people and do your own research.

Koopa Troopa 02-23-2015 11:36 PM

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