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usdm420 09-09-2013 08:26 PM

Usdm log
Gonna start a log here and see if I can keep up with it.
Start with 5 minutes of cardio (light jog)

Tonight was back and bicep day

Two hand bicep curl (Machine rack)

Close hand pull down (machine rack)
130lbs.x7 (immediate super set)

Tbar (free weights)

Single barbell row (free weights)

Spider curls (free weights)

Hammer curls (immediately super setted after Spider Curls)

Lat pull down (machine rack)

S!K TEG 09-10-2013 08:04 AM

Is that #of lift x # of times you did it? What was your rest period between each set.

jdmrex1 09-10-2013 08:22 AM

(weight) x (reps)

usdm420 09-10-2013 08:39 AM

Correct, this is weight x's how many reps.
And rest is very minimal. 45-60 seconds max.

usdm420 09-10-2013 08:47 AM

Here was my workout for Sunday:

Gonna start keeping somewhat of a log to give an idea of my "routine". I'll also start keeping better tabs on how much weight I'm putting up. I know where I'm at in terms of what I select on the racks, but I haven't been doing the math in terms of total weight, etc.

Sunday night was chest/triceps

Bench Press
1 warmup set @ 150lbs. x10
170 x10
180 x9
190 x6
170 x8

Incline Press
Same as BP

Dumbbell Press
Warmup set @ 45lbs.
55lbs. x10
65lbs. x8
70lbs. x6
55lbs. x9

Dumbbell flyes
Warmup set @ 40lbs.
45lbs. x10
50lbs. x9
60lbs. x6
50lbs. x6

Skull Crushers
Warmup set @ 40lbs.
45lbs x10
50lbs. x10
60lbs. x6
50lbs. x6

Tricep Rope Pulldowns
These were done on a machine and I haven't calculated the weight.
1 warmup set followed by 4 working sets. Last set is a drop set (start high then continue to drop weight till failure)

Overhead Tricep Extension
Warmup set @ 35lbs
40lbs. x15
45lbs. x15
50lbs. x10
45lbs. x15

Closed out with a "cool down" of slow and easy pushups (2 sets of 10)

Hit the Sauna for 20 minutes to complete the sweat

usdm420 09-10-2013 07:40 PM


Overhead Press
135 x 10
185 x 8
185 x 8
185 x 8
135 x 7

Side lat raise
20 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 7
30 x 5
25 x 6
20 x 7

Reverse Pec Dec
90 x 10
115 x 15

Straight raises
40x10 (4)

Front row


Sauna 20 min.

usdm420 09-11-2013 09:18 PM


10 miles stationary bike

Sauna 20 mins

SiR Mikey 09-11-2013 09:33 PM

You're nuts. I ride the bike for 5 minutes before I lift with just enough effort to keep the screen on lol

Spec C 09-11-2013 10:16 PM

Overhead raise = Overhead press?

Get some more upper back work. Stuff that focuses on retracting the scapula. I think more pulling movements in general would benefit you.

usdm420 09-12-2013 04:34 AM

I tried responding a few times and I keep getting that stupid "moderator needs to approve" message.

usdm420 09-12-2013 06:01 AM

Ok, let's try answering again on a PC instead of the phone.

Spec, yeah man I meant Overhead Press. Right now I've been following the "Big Man on Campus" routine for the most part. I needed a fairly simple, yet well rounded routine to get myself back into the swing. Do you have an pulling exercises outside of what I'm already doing that I can add in? I know one thing NOT covered in the "routine" is wide grip pulldowns, but I substitute those in for pull-ups (cuz Lord knows my fat ass isn't going to be doing any pull-ups any time soon).

I also avoid exercises that involve the lower back for now until I get a belt. I don't classify my lower back as in "bad shape", cuz normally it's fine......but I have a nerve that'll pinch once a year or so if I hit it right. And I definitely don't want that being triggered mid-squat, etc. When that nerve pinches, it'll literally drop me to my knees. So my next purchase sometime very soon will be a belt so I can start DL's and squats.

usdm420 09-12-2013 06:06 AM

Mikey, I'm a fucking fatty bro lol
That 10 miles wears me OUT.

SiR Mikey 09-12-2013 10:16 AM


usdm420 09-12-2013 11:24 AM

I think the lower back thing is a case of a fucked up Sciatica nerve, so I get really worried with my lower back when I start trying to get heavy into the weights that involve that area.

Anyone know of a decent belt they should carry at a place like WalMart or Big 5? Or even online.

I really wanna get started on DL and squats, but I just can't at the moment. Hell, even the T-bar row I currently do is pushing it.

Spec C 09-12-2013 12:55 PM

You need to figure out what the issue is first. A lot of time back pain, and sciatica is caused by tight hips, and hip flexors(which almost EVERYONE has). Start aggressively attacking that and make it part of your routine.

Here is a simple routine you can do EVERY day before you leave the house. Go 2/3 of the way down the page. Agile 8

Grab some EFS bands and do some mobility work at the start of every workout as well. Kelly Starret's Mobility WOD on youtube is a good resource for this.

As for a belt, what is your budget. I have a few I would recommend depending on what you can spend. Keep in mind a belt will last longer than you, so getting something decent isn't a bad idea.

usdm420 09-12-2013 01:03 PM

You give me an idea of some solid belts, and I'll make the budget. It's a long term investment, I don't mind investing in those kinds of items. Even if it's more than what I can spare right this second, I'll wait till payday and splurge.

I'll definitely check out your recommendations. That Static Flexor stretch looks fucking awesome. I feel better just looking at it haha

Spec C 09-12-2013 01:15 PM

Hip and hip flexor mobility is VERY important, especially for back health.

As for a belt you are probably good with a 10mm belt for a LONG time.

Ok in order of my preference/quality.

Top Tier:
Bobs belts(original power belt) This is a 13mm belt. Probably overkill for now and you can always add a second 13mm belt later down the road. But BOBS pioneered the lifting belt and are regarded as the absolute best so that is why I mention it.

Rogue(OHiO belt) 10mm

Best belts(athlete belt) 10mm

Inzer lever 10mm

Rogue Econ Belt 10mm
I only rank this on the bottom based on materials used. Functionally it is a good belt. I usually stay away from "Econ" belts but after seeing SIR Mikey's Rogue it changed my mind on this one. It isn't stiff as all get out.

I really like my Rogue Ohio belt.. It is really soft/supple, and doesn't get in the way on deads especially. I think if it were me, and I was in your shoes I would pick the Rogue Ohio OR Best Belts athlete.

usdm420 09-12-2013 01:27 PM

Before I even read your ending statement I saw the Rogue Ohio and knew that's the one I want. The leather look fantastic!
I think that's gonna be the one.

Just wish they had Fuschia like the "Best Belts" version.

Spec C 09-12-2013 01:38 PM

I love mine.

I have a 13mm Inzer lever I have had for almost 3 years and it is still not broken in. It is like a fucking board.

It was killing me to deadlift in that thing. I kept eye'ng that Rogue Ohio belt and finally grabbed it about a year ago.. I love that thing. I use it for bench, deadlift, and overhead press. I usually use the 13mm to squat in.

After my meet is over I will probably grab the new Rogue 13mm powerlifting belt for squats. I just don't want to change anything this close.

usdm420 09-12-2013 02:14 PM

I just saw Bob's Belts does embroidery too?
Fuck me....but a black Raiders belt would be the fucking SHIT!

Or maybe I'll just sew a Raider patch onto the Ohio one.

usdm420 09-13-2013 08:54 AM


Rest day

failedabortion 09-16-2013 11:11 PM

A foam roller has helped me with stretching also, I have a vertebrae that moves just enough you can feel it sticking out until I pop it back into place. Had my nerves burned off so no pain from pinched nerves though.

jdmrex1 09-16-2013 11:46 PM

Now that you got into hips, my hips aren't ecxatly perfect. I can tell one of my legs goes deeper into my hip thab the other. Also I notice it when I try ans cross my legs.
I can do it fine with my left leg, but my right it is very difficult to get it to bend..
Just as a quick question should I be concerned about this or its just some dedormality I have?
It doesn't bother me at all when lifting, squating etc.. But it is noticable..

On a side note great work uadm keep at it.. I never felt better in my life and I still have a lot to go..
I should really eat less carbs lol :biggrin:

Spec C 09-17-2013 08:14 AM

You have 2 options:

1. Attack it now(pre-hab), and continue making mobility part of your program.

2. Get injured or develop chronic issues.

When I started lifting this kind of stuff wasn't really a focus point, and there wasn't all that much info. Made me an immobile mess, and I am dealing with that now. It sucks.

Being mobile is one of the greatest things you can do for injury prevention.

Loosen up those hips, and hip flexors, PRONTO.

usdm420 09-17-2013 09:32 AM

Yeah man, along with a belt, I'm also getting a foam roller this weekend.

Oh, and I'll get back to keeping a log next week. I'm still in the gym everyday. I just haven't logged my reps the past week.

usdm420 09-20-2013 10:01 AM

Here is my early "draft" of my diet. I'll be tweaking it as I go. Looking to get as close to a 40/40/20 split as possible. 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fats. As it sits, it's not quite there...but I think it's close enough to get started.

Meal 1:
4oz Turkey breast
5 eggwhites, 1 whole egg
1 Slice Cheese
2 Whole Wheat Toast with natural peanut butter

Meal 2:
10-12oz Tilapia (substitute steak/chicken/tuna here)
1/2 cup brown rice

Meal 3:
2 chicken breasts
1 fruit (peach/apple)

Meal 4:
1 can of tuna
1/2 avocado

Meal 5:
2 chicken breasts (or steak)
1/2 cup Brown rice/1 sweet potato

Meal6: Pre and post workout shakes
Greek Yogurt with whole grain cereal mixed in or a chicken breast "wrap" with lettuce/tomato/avocado

Meal "6" is whenever I make it to the gym that day. It doesn't mean my last meal of the day.

Right now, as it stands....this diet SHOULD yield around the following:

Protein- 380g
Carbs- 220g
Fat- 65g
Calories- 3500

failedabortion 09-21-2013 03:19 AM

Couldn't imagine eating four chicken breasts in a day. Does that work out to a 3500 surplus for a week also?

usdm420 10-17-2013 06:42 AM

usdm420 10-23-2013 10:48 AM

Diet is looking something like this now:

Protein shake with greek yogurt added

Protein shake

Turkey sandwich on whole wheat dry w/lettuce/tomato
1/2 sweet potato
1/2 avocado

(or leftovers from dinner the night before)

Pre-workout Snack:
Protein packed yogurt/pudding (take a few large scoops of regular Greek Yogurt and add in 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder and mix)

Post workout:
Protein shake with greek yogurt

Protein source (steak or chicken usually)
brown rice

And then usually another shake before bed (unless it's an off day)

stormsilverek 10-23-2013 02:37 PM

Wow, I am currently on a cut, so mine goes as follows

Protein 212
Carbs 181
Fat 80 grams
Fiber 41-51 grams
Calories 2338

How has it been working out for you so far?

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