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TucsonEuroCamry 02-21-2014 07:20 AM

advice for a newbie
so I am heading to figure out which gym I want to sign up for today and finally dedicate myself to one instead of just home workouts.

first, I have been doing some research and I think I have almost figured out what diet I want to start, but I'm pretty sure I don't know anything.

my goal is to start building mass. Since I do home workouts I have stuck to my free weights and p90x. Currently I am 5'10" at 170. I am pretty cut, but want to start building some mass.

what is a good way to start making the jump to start building mass? Any tips on a workout routine? Also, any supplements anyone can suggest?

thanks ahead of time. This will be my thread to update as well so I can keep my own log somewhere.

Spec C 02-21-2014 11:36 AM

Get on a program and build a strength base.. At your level you are best serve not wasting time on "body part" splits, and doing big multi joint, compound lifts.

Look into a program called "starting strength" run that for 3-6 months. Then re-evaluate.

Supplements are really not needed. A good protein powder is nice for convenience.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-21-2014 03:55 PM

awesome thanks for the information.

I looked that up, is that a book?

also, signed up at a gym today. Came with two sessions with a personal trainer. Trying to figure out if that is the best for me since I need someone to motivate me.

would it be better to get a personal trainer through a gym or private party?

Spec C 02-21-2014 05:32 PM

Yes, it is a book which outlines the program. There are plenty of online resources for it though,

Most "commercial gym" personal trainers suck balls.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-21-2014 07:05 PM

I've been reading it through a pdf I found online.

so which is it better to do then? Get a trainer from a gym or source one from somewhere else? Do you know anyone down here in Tucson?

the trainer I spoke with has been mr Arizona a few times, placed in the mr universe a couple times and has won a few competitions. He is really built.

do you have any suggestions regarding a diet?

Mr.Teal 02-21-2014 07:28 PM

redit- starting strength. It will be your best friend.

And ya its not hard to become a gym trainer. Motivation will come with results.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-21-2014 07:46 PM

im heading to barnes and noble tomorrow to see if they have the book available. im aware that there is 3 editions out. is there a specific edition of the book that is best? I am reading it online, but i would like to actually have a copy on hand for reference. Does anyone have one local that wouldnt mind selling? pm me if so.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-22-2014 11:34 AM

looking for some nutrition help, anything to help me get started on eating right.

also, the starting strength workout guide says something along these lines.

workout a
3x5 squat
3x5 bench
3x5 deadlift

workout b
3x5 squat
3x5 standing military press
3x5 either power cleans or row

week one
Mon - workout a
wed - workout b
fri - workout a

week 2
mon - workout b
wed - workout a
fri - workout b

is that a revolving idea of a schedule alternating between the weeks as necessary

heading into the gym on sunday, need some help figuring out which weight is the best to start off at for each. i was reading, but did not really understand. just add a weight and do a set until i figure out which is the hardest but able to get through with a clean bar?

also, is it increasing the weight each workout or just each week?

Nachooooosupreme 02-22-2014 12:13 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Intrigued with results

Mr.Teal 02-22-2014 03:08 PM

What gym are you going to bud?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-22-2014 09:20 PM

I was going to sign at la but I didn't. I ended up choosing platinum aka golds. The location is great, even though I live literally 50 yards from an la fitness. So its good location and a few of my buddies have platinum memberships.

what gym are you at?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-23-2014 09:16 AM

heading into the gym today for the first time!! Going to go in and just get my blood pumping and get my muscles working a little bit. I haven't been that active too much lately with all of the holidays recently. Since I am the exec. Chef at a restaurant, the holidays took up a lot of my free time.

I'm not looking to hit any weights significantly today, just going to get them stretched out and the blood flowing. I plan on starting some sort of training at the beginning of the month once I can really get some of my questions clarified ie about the starting strength program and some sort of nutrition ideas. Any help is appreciated guys!!

TucsonEuroCamry 02-23-2014 11:39 AM

well, spent an hr and a half at the gym for the first time in a long time. Like I said before, just went to get my body active, I did not focus on anything, just a little bit of everything to get my heart pumping and wake my muscles up.

feeling pretty good about it and happy I made the commitment!!

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 12:21 PM

heading to the gym today with a few buddies from work that lift. Trying to get someone to show me the ropes and basically how to squat deadlift etc.

Spec C 02-24-2014 12:58 PM

All your questions are answered in the book. I'd suggest reading through it again.

Make sure whoever is teaching you know how to Deadlift and squat themselves. I mean really knows.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 03:14 PM

didn't really get shown how to squat or deadlift, my buddies have their own schedule so I just jumped on what they were doing today. We did some shoulders and neck workouts, I'm a lot stronger than I thought I was which surprised me.

going again tomorrow. Whoop

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 03:34 PM

I went back to what I thought was the book, and it turns out I misread that it was just someone elses spinoff of the original book.

spec, do you have any suggestions on some nutrition/diet?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 10:07 PM

spent some time at barnes and noble tonight skimming over a few books while trying to find the book "starting strength", I was unsuccessful finding the book, but i did end up picking up a "lift log", was only $10 and figured it would be a better way for me to keep my own log, measurements workouts etc plus the convenience of the format.

i think i have found a decent setup to get me started. So any tips, suggestions, do's, don't's, would be greatly appreciated. Plus, I am still looking for some nutrition advice and tips!!

6 day on 1 off, i have it listed in a "workout" format for easy reference to days.

Monday - Workout #1
Tuesday - Workout #2
Wednesday - Workout#3
Thursday - Workout #1
Friday - Workout #2
Saturday - Workout#3
Sunday - Off

Abs Everyday

Workout #1

-Bench Press
-Incline Press
-Pull Overs

-Pull ups
-Bent over rows

Power Training
- Deadlifts 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 till failure

Workout #2

-Barbell Clean and press
-Dumbbell lateral raises

Power Training
-Heavy upright rows - 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 till failure
-Push Presses - 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 till failure

Upper Arms
-Standing barbell curls
-Seated barbell curls
-Close grip press
-standing triceps extensions with barbell

-Wrist curls
-revers wrist curls

Workout #3

-Leg curls

-standing calf raises 5 sets

Power Training/Lower Back
-Straight leg deadlifts 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 till failure
-Good Mornings 3 sets of 10, 6, 4 till failure

i found this setup out of the arnold Schwarzenegger book. i have talked to a lot of people and skimmed over a few books and did not like the workouts or exercises, but i do like this setup because of the exercises and how it covers the whole body and what i feel comfortable doing right now.:beatdeadhorse2::beatdeadhorse2:

Spec C 02-24-2014 10:44 PM

Good luck with that!

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 10:50 PM

what do you think? Do you have any nutrition suggestions?

im going to be spending the rest of this week just getting my muscles active again, then go into that schedule starting next monday.

Nachooooosupreme 02-24-2014 11:39 PM

Damn dood you're gonna be at the gym for hours along with work and personal shit? after 90 days you're gonna be all swoll if you stick it out lol but like spec c said good luck!!!

TucsonEuroCamry 02-24-2014 11:56 PM

haha thanks man. Good thing is that I work at night so I can go early in the morning. I plan on sticking it out. I wish I have someone to go to the gym with me though to keep me motivated.

need to get on some sort of good diet. I've been reading a few things and have some sort of idea, but would be nice if someone could share some knowledge with me.

Nachooooosupreme 02-25-2014 08:46 AM

As mr teal mentioned above progress will be your motivation and in all honesty, once you start working out your body will tell you what it craves nutrition-wise. I'm not all swoll you know that but since I started getting serious about fitness my diet has changed dramatically. No more eating out, no more junk food, my body just craves healthier foods and I feed myself what my body and muscles want. All of your change you're seeking will come with progress, that's why I say sticking it out is the hardest part.
Which gym you hitting?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-25-2014 08:54 AM

platinum fitness.

Spec C 02-25-2014 09:52 AM

I personally don't like that plan at all. But have at it.

As for nutrition, what are you looking for exactly? The most simplistic advice I can give you is this.
If it didn't at one time have a face, grow from the earth/on a tree, don't eat it.

Nachooooosupreme 02-25-2014 09:52 AM

Which one?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-25-2014 09:57 AM

thanks for the nutrition advice.

as far as the workout, what would you suggest then I know you previously suggested the starting strength program.

I'm going to the one on Ina and oracle. But I paid the extra 10$ to be able to go to any of them

usdm420 02-25-2014 12:19 PM

lol he answered and you're asking again.


As for your routine, that seems like overload for a beginner. That's a TON of work....and for 6 days a week?

TucsonEuroCamry 02-25-2014 12:47 PM

yea it does seem like a ton, that is why I am asking.

is there anyone here in Tucson willing to get some sessions in with me to show me a few things?

usdm420 02-25-2014 01:06 PM

Spec already suggested the Starting Strength program.

I could link you to the routine I followed when I started, but then you'll be kicking yourself in the ass for not going Spec's suggested route.

I went opposite of his advice in the beginning and now I'm kicking my own ass because my core strength is now behind the rest of my body. I have a good sized chest and beefy arms, but my lower back and quads are weaksauce compared to where they should be by now.....and it's my fault for not listening.

Spec C 02-25-2014 01:35 PM

Even "5/3/1" would be a decent program for a beginner, however the benefit to something like " Starting Strength" is the frequency of the lifts. It allows you to get a lot more practice at them, quicker. So starting with something like "Starting strength" THEN moving to 5/3/1 after a few months is a good course of action. imo

I personally like to do customized programs for people, based on what they need(lack), but in your position I think you would be fine with the above.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-25-2014 05:35 PM

thats good to know. thank you for the info. I have been browsing around that website and it has some of the information i have been looking for regarding nutrition.

awesome man, thank you for the feedback. I will listen to your advice and stick with the starting strength program and see how it works out.

i need to figure out what a good weight for me to start out at, as well as someone to show me how to properly execute these exercises. I have a meeting with the personal trainer on monday to do an entry evaluation, so i will get some info out of him

i havent asked this yet, but what about shoes? i bought some flat footed shoes the other day, is that the type of footwear that is best?

Spec C 02-25-2014 06:13 PM

Ya some chucks or something like the Adidas superstar 2.0.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-25-2014 09:35 PM

awesome. I'll probably pick up a pair of chucks sometime this week. I've never owned a pair of chucks, let alone flat footed shoes.

what do you guys think about this?

I know it probably seems like I am over thinking everything, I just want to make sure I am doing the right things to help me meet my goals

TucsonEuroCamry 02-26-2014 10:09 AM

had an early gym session this morning. Focus on triceps, abs, back and neck.

triceps I did the cable pull down with the rope


for neck I was doing shrugs on the barbell

50+bar x 15
65+bar x 15
75+bar x 15

I hopped on a couple machines for my back and did some solid numbers, higher than what I was expecting to do, focused mainly on my form and muscle control flexing that particular area of muscle.

last night I had for dinner a chicken breast, rice, Brussels sprouts and a glass of whole milk. I woke up so hungry. Does anyone have some suggestions on how to prevent this from happening. I know that when your sleeping is when your body is rebuilding your muscle the most.

this morning before I went to workout I had a bowl of whole grain cheerios with whole milk, English muffin with peanut butter, an apple and glass of orange juice. After my workout I had 2 whole eggs with 3 more egg whites, 1 kiwi, 1 apple, Greek yogurt with granola and 1 serving of the "rockin fuel chocolate milk"

for my snack while I am at work, I am taking 1 cup of almonds 1 pear and will have a glass of whole milk.

for dinner tonight I'm going to have 1 red meat steak, green beans, mashed potatoes and a glass of v8.

what do you guys think? also, i think i am lacking efficiency with my after workout stretching. i dont know if i am or i am not, but im so sore. either that or my body is just hating me for switching to using weights instead of my own body weight. i could not sleep worth a shit last night, just tossing and turning, sore and hungry.

usdm420 02-26-2014 11:06 AM

Soreness will go away after another week or so. The more you lift, the less sore you'll get over time.
As for hunger? You're trying to gain weight anyways, right? Just keep eating solid foods. Your body will take care of the rest.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-26-2014 11:15 AM

yea, trying to gain weight. pretty hard for my body type with a high metabolism. thanks for the feedback

usdm420 02-26-2014 01:53 PM

High metabolism = more frequent meals.

Eat 5-6 times a day. And add in 2 protein shakes a day inbetween those meals (one in the morning for a "snack", and one post workout)

Spec C 02-26-2014 02:17 PM

Doesn't really matter how many meals you eat. Main thing is you're getting in all your calories every day. It just comes down if you can handle 4 bigger meals for example. Some people can't eat a lot at one sitting. I tend to prefer it for myself.

On the flip side it's hard for some people to make time to eat 6+ times a day do fewer, larger meals might work better.

The majority of your food is carb/fat. Get more protein.

Secondly you say you have a high metabolism yet are eating less than my wife lol. Everyone says how they can't gain weight and they eat soooo much, but in actuality they're not eating much at all.

Don't think people realize how much food even 3k calories is a day. Day in and day out.

TucsonEuroCamry 02-26-2014 02:38 PM

do you have any suggestions meal wise or items to eat to help boost my protein intake. I can eat all day, I am a chef, which is a downside because I am in a kitchen cooking a lot of fatty dishes.

yesterday I did a calorie count and I took in 2,980ish calories, forgot the exact number. I was shooting for 3100 though. But like you said, bigger meals will most likely work better for me as well.

does anyone have any suggestions on a specific protein/mass gainer supp?

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