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TucsonEuroCamry 02-28-2014 10:26 PM

good idea. Thanks. The meeting with the trainer is provided when you join the gym, like an initial kind of thing and they get you on a workout routine that they suggest. I tried talking to him about starting strength and he said that he has something that's better.

so I will just have to wait and meet with him on wed.

last night I was about 800 calories short of my 3100 that I have set for myself, so I went to mcdonalds :( haha

Spec C 03-01-2014 08:05 AM

His idea of "better" will be a ton of machines, curls, and other worthless shit. Lol

SiR Mikey 03-01-2014 08:20 AM

Lol yea, that's basically his way of saying "I have no idea what that is, but I've mastered this universal circuit workout that I run everyone through."

TucsonEuroCamry 03-01-2014 08:55 AM

haha yea, that's what it seems like. I asked him if he has heard of the book/program called starting strength and he either played stupid or really didn't know. I asked him if he has heard of mark rippetoe and he said, the name sounds familiar.

TucsonEuroCamry 03-02-2014 12:35 PM

today felt really good after taking a couple days off to let my body rest.

today I focused on keeping my heart rate up and not resting longer than 60 seconds. Also tried to really focus on the muscle I was working as well

Nachooooosupreme 03-02-2014 12:58 PM

How are the glutes? Sound neglected lol

TucsonEuroCamry 03-02-2014 01:30 PM


TucsonEuroCamry 03-04-2014 02:22 PM

hit some good weight and felt like I kept my heart rate up during my whole workout. Really happy about that.

I have been keeping my eating consistent. Taking in between 2900-3100 calories a day.

bmxican 03-04-2014 02:46 PM

if you see some regular guys at the gym try to pick their brains or strike up conversations. I have people ask me all the time and generally they become my training partner for a couple weeks or so and I tell them to always try working out with different people so eventually you can find out what work out plans suit oneself best.

Spec C 03-04-2014 02:47 PM

Why do you care where your heart rate is when lifting weights? It isn't cardio. lol

Nachooooosupreme 03-04-2014 03:23 PM

P90x will do that to ya!!!

TucsonEuroCamry 03-04-2014 04:53 PM

i have been trying to see if there are any regulars there during the times that i go, but no one seems to have a regular gym schedule. i tried to have conversations with a few people but they never seem to know the answer, or at least do not want to help me or talk to me.

is there anyone here in tucson that goes to platinum that wants to train together?

haha i know, i didnt mean it like that, i meant, like keeping myself going and not having longer than 60-80 seconds between sets.


i have the meeting with the trainer tomorrow morning, so we will see how that goes.

TucsonEuroCamry 03-05-2014 11:53 AM

ok, well, met with the trainer.

figured out that i have 9% body fat, which frankly i dont know what that means.

he said that i need a high intensity till failure routine. today did chest flys hammer curls and incline. felt good. have another meeting with him next wed as well.

Nachooooosupreme 03-05-2014 11:58 AM

I go to platinum on speedway. Meet you in the steam room :031:

TucsonEuroCamry 03-05-2014 12:51 PM

couple of my buddies go to the one on speedway.

bmxican 03-06-2014 08:41 AM

I think you need some fundamentals. you need to jack up the bench/squat/deadlift to gain overall mass. Spec C recommended some good stuff. I think being on that for a good 3-6 months you will see some overall growth.

Spec C 03-06-2014 08:47 AM

Needs more curls brah! lol

Would love to hear his explanation of what "high intensity" means.

bmxican 03-06-2014 09:19 AM

naw bro!! Tri for the guys!

TucsonEuroCamry 03-06-2014 09:25 AM

truth. After this next meeting with this trainer in going to start on squats dead and bench. I had one of my buddies show me how to squat and dead lift, but I don't feel all that comfortable with my form yet

he sounded like some sort of fucking salesman trying to sell me his training services. Like he went to a class and learned that shit. It sounded rehearsed and read out of a book. I just wanted to stop him in the middle of it and be like, dude, cut the bullshit, this is what I want to learn. But I just listened to what he had to say in case he did have something helpfull.

TucsonEuroCamry 03-06-2014 09:26 AM



bmxican 03-06-2014 09:42 AM

start with lighter weight or no weight at all just the bar. Don't be bro lifting to impress. 03-06-2014 10:58 AM

Do you think deadlift would fit better on the push or pull day

bmxican 03-06-2014 11:03 AM

how about both. again, don't over complicate something so simple. If you did squats that day, but are feeling good and are like dam I need to practice or feel like hitting some deeds do it! You start listening to your body and WA LA you will see improvements even faster.

Just don't begin to neglect either.

Spec C 03-06-2014 02:32 PM

Deadlift is a pull.

SiR Mikey 03-06-2014 02:45 PM

That's exactly what he is, and exactly what happened. I worked at a gym selling memberships a long time ago, and our entire tour of the gym was scripted and we had to recite it identicle to the dialogue. Trainers had to do the same, and their routines were all the same. 03-06-2014 03:17 PM

to me, a push day, pull day, legs day, and cardio day is a simple as I can go.

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