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Spec C 12-27-2012 11:23 PM

Just turned the big 3-0. eh

slwk20z 12-31-2012 02:03 PM

currently im 5'11 @ 205lbs i wanna bulk up to about 225

Dsquared Upholstery 12-31-2012 02:07 PM


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bb4arson 01-01-2013 04:43 PM


1badLst 01-02-2013 09:54 AM

We'd kind of need to know BF% or see him to declare that

slwk20z 01-02-2013 02:44 PM

Dsquared Upholstery 01-02-2013 04:23 PM

Good size. Big shoulders and a smaller chest like me

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slwk20z 01-02-2013 04:34 PM

yea need to work more on my legs they are my weak point

SiR Mikey 01-02-2013 07:46 PM

Mother fucker there are some big dudes on azht

Dsquared Upholstery 01-02-2013 10:41 PM

They don't look bad. I'd be curious to see you leaned out

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bb4arson 01-03-2013 11:38 PM

tanks section of azht lol

da_konig 01-04-2013 03:52 PM

Just checking in saying whats up to all and keep all the good work. I use to be v8haha on here but never got a chance to post much while i was in Korea but im back now and ready to hit the gym harder then ever. I hit the body pod 2 weeks ago @237 I was 21% bodyfat :( but ill be leaning out to 205 in the next 12 weeks. Im lifting pretty heavy in this cuttrying to stay in the 1200lb club(squat, dead and bench. I keep you guys updated and if anyone wants to take a trip to the bod pod to get a real body fat measurement let me know. This is the pod I have access to

Spec C 01-04-2013 04:08 PM

Welcome back.

In my experience the bod pod is good until you get REALLY lean. For some reason it becomes very unreliable at that point.

I was actually talking to John Meadows about this and his experience mirrors mine. He said he was in contest shape, striated glutes/hams, and bod podded at like 10% lol Hydrostatic had him under 5% iirc.

da_konig 01-04-2013 07:02 PM

Yeah I hear ya. The pod I use had Dave Henry @14% a week from Mr O 2012. He took 2nd @202lbs and was clearly less then 5%. The guy that operates the pod says bigger guys tend to get off readings because of the size of the pod. I barely fit in it lol but like a Dyno it should be used to measure success. I I'll be hitting it every 4 weeks as I cut to see where it has me.

Spec C 01-04-2013 09:25 PM

Ya it definitely gets wonky. Lol

I have most of my clients do it like you said to check progress although once they get lean enough we just go by the mirror or calipers.

I'm going to be doing my training partners prep and he wants to get in the bodpod before we start. He's 6'5 310. I think he's going to have a panic attack in that fucking thing. Lol

Keep us updated man.

da_konig 01-05-2013 06:56 AM

I will for sure. We are also having a Cross fit gym built right now and when it's done I'll get some pics of that up too.

540dude 01-08-2013 12:58 AM

Spec C 01-08-2013 06:46 AM


Bench yesterday. Switched to the powerlifting template of 531(351). Hit some triples at 90% of my training max. Really easy, nothing special and not a PR for mel. After working up I ended up doing 3 sets of 3 at 325lb. In two weeks I will take some heavy singles.

bar x 10
95 x 10
135 x 5
185 x 3
225 x 3
255 x 3
290 x 3
325 x 3
325 x 3(video)
325 x 3

Neutral grip incline bench machine(20 sec rest):
150 x 20
150 x 15
150 x 10

Pushdown on lat pulldown(15 sec rest):
70 x 15
70 x 15
70 x 15

Bench width row to belly:
150 x 10
150 x 10
150 x 10

Scapular retraction:
180 x 20
180 x 20
180 x 20


SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 09:51 AM

I think any heavy lifting is over for me this year. I was deadlifting Sunday night and on the last rep of my last set my back shit out. Spent all yesterday in bed unable to move at all. Second time I've hurt my SI joint in 3 years :(. Last time it took over a year of light weight rehabbing to get full movement back with minimal pain

Dsquared Upholstery 01-08-2013 09:56 AM

Bummer. I hope things go better this time

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Spec C 01-08-2013 10:06 AM

Let me ask this. Are your hip flexors really tight? A lot of the time what you are describing is actually your hips, hip flexors, and hamstrings. It feels like it is in the lower back/upper butcheek but actually stems from the hips.

I did just this about 4 weeks ago. I could barely move. Intense pain from my low back(spine area) that radiated to the left almost into the very top of my ass.

Some aggressive rehab, and really working the prirformas, and psoas and I am good as new.

I would be doing some deep piriformis stretching. And start doing these with a tennis ball. Beyond that try and really open up your hips.

Do you have any thick bands?

SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 10:46 AM

Thanks man, I'm just boggled by it. It wasn't extremely heavy, and happened probably 5" from the floor as I was putting the weight down

Actually yes. I've had to switch to an extremely wide stance for squat because anything relatively narrow is unbarable on my back. It takes a while for my hips to loosen up and let me get deep, but it feels much better. I also switched to low bar squats which made a world of a difference. I'll grab a tennis ball today. My father in law actually recommended the same thing a couple days before I did this :retard:. As far as bands, I don't have any but I can buy some. I need to buy them either way.

How severe was your pain when it happened to you? It took everything I had to crawl 30 feet to the bath tub. I couldn't stand up right until mid day yesterday. Now that the pain has faded a bit, it feels like the pain is in my lower back, above my tail bone but to the left and right of my spine and shoots up my back. Thank you, I really appreciate the info

Spec C 01-08-2013 11:06 AM

SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 11:11 AM

I literally grinned as I read that because you described it to a T, down to the way you put your pants on. I'm going to get on the stretching asap. The times I have pain is when there is compression on my back (standing up for example), however if I hang from the power rack there is absolutely 0 pain whatsoever. Was this the case for you as well?

Spec C 01-08-2013 11:22 AM

I don't recall as I don't remember hanging. I thought it was fucked up really bad though. (actually now that I think more about it as soon as it happened I jumped up on a pull up station and just hung. It totally relieved the pain while hanging)

My hips/hams are very very tight and I neglected mobility work big time.

I still slack to a degree. After reading this it reminds me to keep hitting mobility work. Lol

Put it this way. After the injury I did that piriformis stretch on a bench, and where it was stretching/pulling was right where it hurt.

Let me ask this. When you dl for reps do you touch and go?
Hopefully if you're aggressive in your approach you'll make a speedy recovery. Ps advil/ibuprofen is your friend.

SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 11:31 AM

Awesome, thanks again. Yes, I always touch and go. I always pause for a second though to make sure I'm tight before I pull again for fear of hurting myself. Like I said, the weird thing about this was I pulled my last rep, and it happened as I was putting the weight down.

Spec C 01-08-2013 11:36 AM

I've been resetting every rep these days. Helps me keep my form in check. I tend to start stiff legging it(ie not dropping my hips).

I know a lot of guys who just do singles now. So instead of 10 you might do a single walk away for 10-15 seconds and pull another. Do 10 of those.

Shit if you're in your own home gym just slam/drop the weight.

SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 11:49 AM

I'm a form nazi. Its to the point I think my form has hindered me from increasing my max. I'll overthink the lift rather than just lifting the weight up.

It wasn't until recently that I started doing reps. I used to do a few sets of lighter weight to warm up, and then do singles up until I maxxed out. I'm pulling with a cheap bar and steel plates, so dropping them would be a disaster right now. I was holding off on having the DL platform made, but after this I may bump it on the priority list.

Spec C 01-08-2013 12:19 PM

It is good to be a form Nazi. Just remember a max effort lift is a max effort lift, and a lot of time those don't look too pretty..haha

When you are all healed up we should get a session in.

SiR Mikey 01-08-2013 09:33 PM

That sounds like a plan to me, just go easy on me :hello:

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