-   -   How long till this site just shuts down? (

94gay-lude 12-22-2014 09:13 PM

I want to buy it just to put it out of its misery.
Tie it to a tree, bash it in the head with a shovel

king06 12-22-2014 11:14 PM

Lol. That's cold blooded.

I would treat it like a bar, invite EVRYONE with open arms. Persoanlly invite all of the scum from Facebook, especially dedspool. His mama, his kids, powderblue, that duded that was racing with his kid in the back seat. EVERYONE!!!=profit.

The currency will be steelies, blox and eBay shit and shitty as fuck street tunes, why? Cause Murika, that's why.

94gay-lude 12-23-2014 06:14 AM

Hahaha I like you're idea better
I'd be swimming in steelies and bwr subframe braces!

Koopa Troopa 12-24-2014 06:46 PM

They gonna make you post all day, everyday 'till your fingers give out. Then they gonna hit you in the head with a hammer, throw your ass down the Honda hole.

advert 12-30-2014 08:46 PM

I remember when it was azht squad. i remember the old days. and i don't care what anyone says the only reason half of us came to these places was to sell and buy shit. the classifieds use to be open and then people would trickle in to the other forums. it was a free for all but thats what made it fun. take that stupid post count shit off and this site might get better, but i doubt it because its already pretty far dead.

Chuck Chainz 12-30-2014 08:54 PM

:but: what about the "community"?


Azht was never about community, it mirrors society as a whole. Small groups of individuals gather together to talk shit about other small groups of people

LALO 12-31-2014 07:55 AM


Lalos is for the people.
Lalos is for our community.
Lalos supports Pussy.

Vote lalos 2015 for administration.

Crono 12-31-2014 08:51 AM

Lalos supports pussy

Therefore, I support Lalos

Koopa Troopa 12-31-2014 02:09 PM

LALO is soft on communism, and in this day and age, we need an admin who will stand up to those godless commies!

turbo4dr 01-01-2015 03:19 PM

^very well put. the lack of regulation on the old azht squad and azparttrader was what made it useful.

I respect Paul as a car guy but he signaled the end of azht for the most part, no offense Paul.

BlueTeg 01-01-2015 05:24 PM

Couldn't have said it any better...

theAngryMarmot 01-01-2015 08:24 PM

I will try to make this as simple as possible since people don't seem to understand.

1. Post count restriction :

I didn't make this rule. It was 150. Years ago it was changed to like 15 or 25 because people complained. This pretty much makes it completely open. Membership here, did not change or increase.

2. My administration. I pulled the Moderator logs for December. Here are the stats :

I banned 0 members. I deleted 2 threads (at the request of the poster.) I closed 2 threads (my own.) I gave zero infractions. This is typical. I ban fewer than a handful of people a year, and it has been that way for years. I haven't "hardcore" enforced anything for years.

3. Honda isn't the same anymore. Funny, you all go misty eyed towards the "old days." Sorry, Honda doesn't make the cars we like anymore. The people who are in the Honda scene are not the same people from 5-10 years ago. The budget go-fast aftermarket has shifted away from Hondas. I don't like this, but it is the truth.

4. The "OGs" that you all so fondly love and blame me for running off? News flash - they all left because they got older, different cars, families, etc. I had nothing to do with it - people change, priorities change, interest change. This is pretty obvious, and human nature.

5. Facebook. Facebook groups are killing off forums, want to know where all the "current" Honda scene is? Want to see one of the reasons why the "OGs" have all left Hondas? Go check out "The real AZ Street Heat."

I didn't kill off AZHT. I had zero impact on this place. Technology, Honda, and the people in the scene have changed. You can't blame anyone for that.

If you are too daft to realize these simple and true things - then I don't know what to tell you. You must live in a time-warp where everything stays exactly the same and technology, car scene, and people are still what they were ten years ago.

I am probably the oldest member here that is on every single day. I am the only active Admin/Mod on here (and look at how little I do...)

I am also the only person here who adds content (new forums) and one of the few who actively tries to get regular members together (N. Phx meet.) Little do you guys know but at least once a month we have a meet up this way. Open to everyone basically. sometimes 4 cars show up. Sometimes 15 cars show up. Sometimes other forums show up (AZ Toyota, etc.) It isn't some late-night parking lot drama show/illegal street race stage so most people here don't care. Usually most of the people are from here. Want to guess how many still have Hondas? Not many.

I am the only person here who gets any kind of flak for doing anything, and yet here I am still at it.

To be brutally honest if it wasn't slightly for me, and moreso for another member here that fixes this place when it breaks - this place wouldn't even exist. The member that handles the technical side of here doesn't even post here anymore. He moved on, has a different make of car. I think the only reason he fixes the place is because of nostalgia.

I have met a lot of people here over the years. Many of which I still talk to often, and see fairly regularly and do car stuff with. That is why I am still here, that is why I still spend more time here than any other car forum - despite all the B.S. I get and the fact I don't own a Honda. Because there are still real enthusiasts here that sometimes post/update interesting things. Funny how some of the most vocal detractors here I have never seen in person - despite being a member here since 07.

But hey, at least Honda enthusiasts still have "Honda Tuning" to read if this place shut down right? Oh, wait - that is dead too because of how things change. Surprised I haven't been blamed for that yet.... lol.

LS-S DA9 01-01-2015 09:00 PM

Nailed it. Sad but true.

theAngryMarmot 01-01-2015 09:04 PM

Funny how some people just can't accept reality. So they blame the very person who is trying the hardest to keep this place alive. Seems kind of silly to me.

The admin job is a thankless one. All you get is :

"You do too much, and scare off people"


"You do too little, this place is embarrassing and I am leaving."

And heaven help you if you decide to have some fun, do some trolling, or start a debate. Apparently Mods/Admins (Unless you are one of the revered "OGs") can't have any fun.

Click on "Project Garage" - what is the most trafficked/commented/visited thread? A pos MIATA. That proves everything about how the Honda Scene in totality has declined. How many for sale threads are there - and the item hasn't sold for weeks, months, and yes - even some for years. What does that say about the "scene?"



I know just from the number of novel size posts since youve been here, your contribution means way more... quantity over quality, right?

theAngryMarmot 01-01-2015 09:28 PM

Nope, did not say that at all.

Just illustrating I have been here quite a long time. When this place was busy, and now when it isn't. I still take time to post here regularly and try to contribute. Sure, sometimes I argue/debate just to try to bring some excitement to the place, but quite a few of my "novels" have been quite contributing to this place. At least I am not a postless lurker like a lot of members here...

And despite all the B.S. I get, all the threats, hate, and accusations I don't jump ship - I stick around because I still like this place, and still meet cool enthusiasts off here.

I could post "novels" everyday - still would have zero effect (good/bad) on this place's decline - as it is solely a product of the reasons I have listed.

Funny how no one can/will debate the points I mentioned to about why this place has actually declined - could it be - because - possibly - maybe - I am right?

AZ_CIVIC 01-01-2015 09:55 PM

Fast Hondas are still going strong and the number of companies producing better products are growing. When you log onto AZHT you don't see that but it is still there. The Honda race classes are going faster and faster, heck the IFO FIS class is now mid 9 second cars on 62mm turbos. 67mm small tires Hondas are running 8.4's and you have NA J series motors pumping 500 whp. A lot of guys are just to busy to post up what is going on and what they are doing but Hondas are still going strong.


Never said u were wrong... just seems like when theres marmot and an argument, novels are sure to follow. Not worried or anything about this place, just need a scapegoat. Your like the QB, when we win, its your brilliance that lead us there, when we lose (decline since '09 ,not really but it rhymed)
You will take all the blame, now be a good QB and take it!

theAngryMarmot 01-01-2015 10:10 PM

I don't doubt that at all.

But, it is a shame they don't post up build threads (at least the guys here.) It would at least inspire some conversation. It is quite sad that one of the most active/commented build threads here in a long time is my pos Miata - and I mean that seriously. I would much rather it be cars like your Honda - or Phil Roble's, or Ravi's NSXs.

The scene has changed drastically. The cars we love that were made by Honda are not held in the same regard, and they don't get the same love they used to. You are moving to a different platform - heck, even Mooshin is selling/sold his car. It was awesome.

Of course, I love to make really long post when arguing. Seems to get people more riled up and then their responses are longer. The more points I bring into the debate, the more debate there must be - therefore it generates more conversation, and more activity.

I seriously don't mind the hate. I laugh at it, because I know the real reasons why this place is declining. Same thing happened to AZRX7, AZ240, AZMC, and AZToyota. All those places were smaller than AZHT - so they have essentially died off quicker. It is a shame - but it is inevitable. The only forums that are "safer" from decline are the national ones - as they have a much larger userbase than we do.

Being the only "lawman" here - there will never be a "win" situation. It is a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" position to be the last one / only active one.

Doesn't phase me though - because as "dead" as this place is - it is still the best local car forum, and I still meet great people here. At least once a month some random person walks up to me and says "I know you, you are the Marmot! - I have been following your build on AZHT!" Brings me a bit of hope to know people still look at the build threads here.

AZ_CIVIC 01-01-2015 10:19 PM

I was talking with some shop guys like Aaron and Joe, those guys are really busy. Joe is jumping from CNC machine to CNC machine and is just to busy to post. Aaron is the same, they just don't have time to post stuff up. When people do post up I see some members here on Honda Tech and the reason is you get way more traffic and people who actually do care about what you're doing. Trust me I wish it was like that here but it's not.

Chuck Chainz 01-01-2015 10:54 PM

History repeats its self, right? I'm sure we can all come to terms with that.

Well, as we now know that marmots killed the dinosaurs, it is happening again, how ever it is happening to our beloved AZHT now!

BlueTeg 01-01-2015 11:15 PM

It is a shame. It is a shame that people can't share their progress on a build, out of fear that it will attract attention from the wrong person and end up as another "stolen - please be on the lookout" thread. Having my first Honda, an Adriatic Blue Integra (hence my SN), stolen many years ago....twice (once at gunpoint in front of my house, the other time in broad daylight in front of my office), it really makes you think twice about what you share on a local forum. Kinda sad. :|

king06 01-01-2015 11:54 PM

"its what you make of it", I don't care if the scene is dead, I. A do what I enjoy. I was never the kind to go to meets Like gabe ^^said because of people getting jacked. I'll be scared to post anything on here. I have one friend that I share the same thoughts with, or we did until he got jacked,now he doesn't want anything to do with Hondas. Eventually I would love to go out to meets with people that actually like the performance scene and actually know what they are talking about, or not as long as their cool. Hopefully when my car is done we can get something together. Just hopes and dreams, hopes and dreams

94gay-lude 01-02-2015 12:14 AM

Paul I don't know you, I don't care to know you and I don't care that I'll never meet you. I don't blame you for anything in particular but a few observations I have made..
You seem to really take pleasure in defending yourself and playing the victim, sometimes completely unprovoked.
2, you have never been wrong, not once in your entire life.
3, you will go to great lengths to prove you were right (or at least make it look like you were) even though most people don't really care.

I'm not sure if anyone really genuinly blames you for anything, but, being the high horse riding individual you portray yourself to be (i know I know, everyone is wrong and you're right) it makes you an easy target to place blame on. Even if just in a joking way

94gay-lude 01-02-2015 12:16 AM

Keep dreaming my friend. Reach for those starts.

theAngryMarmot 01-02-2015 12:42 AM

As this site slows, people would rather blame someone, instead of accepting the true situation. I refer to the B.S. I get for the sole purpose of illustrating how silly it is to blame someone for something as large as the downfall of this forum - nothing more. I refer to the things I do on occasion to quell the people who say I don't contribute here.

I have actually admitted I was wrong, or didn't know something many times here. Look through my post history.

I love a debate, and I will defend my POV for as long as I deem valid. I even poke fun at myself for my "novels." Besides, this place needs more conversation - and if I have to write mini-series to do it - so be it. There has to be at least one person on here who doesn't know when to shut up.

I get blamed for all kinds of stuff on here, there have been a few threads. People accuse me of being unfair, biased, egotistical, abusing my powers - take a stroll through my profile messages and see how many threats and whatnot I have received for enforcing the rules here (that I didn't even make...) It is hilarious.

I don't ride a high horse at all, honestly. I refer to myself often on here as a "barely educated hillbilly" - which is more or less true. I grew up in rural Kentucky, learned to drive on a tractor, and spent my youth climbing trees and catching snakes. Never officially went to "higher education" and work for a company that has less than 20 employees.

I drive a car worth less than a set of "real" wheels - and refer to it as a "pos" and a "bucket." But it is mine, I like it, and I will gladly post pics of it where ever I can.

I rarely mention to my career, never mention my income, or things I own as it is no ones business but my own. There are only a small handful of people here that even know what I do for a living, where I live, or anything else about me other than what little I have said here. Yet some people here sure think the know me (and several other members here too) despite never interacting with me.

Never have I said myself to be better, more intelligent, or "above" anyone here. I have never banned or infracted anyone for disagreeing with me.

One of the funniest things I have seen on here was a member calling me "pretentious" and "egotistical" and then proceed to brag about his income and what he owned (when I have never done either of those things...)

AZHT stereotype consists of the following if you :

Spell properly most of the time = "know it all"
Use words that contain more than 6 letters = "uppity"
Proud of what you have, or what you do - no matter how small = "pretentious"
Make posts more than three sentences long = "blow-hard"
State that Honda has lost it's way for fun cars = "Honda Hater"
Articulate your thoughts on a 7th grade level = "High horse riding"
Agree with someone more than once = "nutswinger"

Everyone is entitled to an opinion though.

hondafan2 01-02-2015 12:42 AM

THIS /\/\/\

And way more, good for his sensitive side tho

my99ctr 01-02-2015 02:55 AM

good post.

philycheese666 01-02-2015 04:29 AM

Wow. Well this is very unfortunate to see.

I stopped updating my build thread (back when I had one) because of the idea that someone somewhere would target my vehicle for parts removal purposes. Which sucks. Also, slow progress, but it's not a race to build it!

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