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bmxican 03-19-2013 10:38 AM

where do you fit in the day to work out the penis?

Spec C 03-19-2013 10:41 AM

I train lifts not muscle groups.

Post some vids champ. 03-19-2013 10:48 AM

what do you mean? 03-19-2013 10:48 AM

the gf is off in the evening

Littlejon1378 03-19-2013 11:01 AM

BRO, you lift trains? Im thoroughly impressed

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:06 AM

bro i work at gnc i know my shit

Littlejon1378 03-19-2013 11:08 AM

Bro i work at GMC i dont know how to shift:ballin:

Spec C 03-19-2013 11:09 AM

Again post a video. Until then you have lifted NOTHING.
Bench, dead, squat. Those are the main lifts. Then use accessory movements to build each lift. What builds the bench? Tricep work, lat work, upper back, etc.

Deadlift. You need to build the posterior chain. Hams, glutes, hips, low back, etc. Dimel deads, RDL's, glute ham raises, deficit deads, yadda yadda.

SiR Mikey 03-19-2013 11:10 AM

Holy fuck

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:10 AM

you can't shift, but i can fit my cock in those big lips ya got. :beatdeadhorse2::ugly: 03-19-2013 11:17 AM

I'd like to learn some of that.

Is my muscle groups method ineffective?

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:21 AM

you should let spec c write you a basic workout or go workout with him a couple times to learn the 3 big lifts. Get a good foundation from that and you will venture out later if you continue to pursuit the gym life lol...

I learned those 3 lifts and did that for close to 3 years. I have since tried other ways and train a lot different now than how I was 3 years or 2 years ago.

SiR Mikey 03-19-2013 11:22 AM

It's amazing how much lack of forearm strength alone can hinder deads and bench

Littlejon1378 03-19-2013 11:25 AM

Why the fuck would i post a video? Idgaf about all the blah blah bullshit broski haha and you do seem pretty informed on lifting good job :D yolo slomo rolo you already know though

Littlejon1378 03-19-2013 11:27 AM

Well bring that uncut mexi dick over here then sweetheart :snookems:

Spec C 03-19-2013 11:35 AM

Actually push/pull is pretty effective. If you are doing the big lifts, you are effectively doing the same thing. You are using pulling/pushing to build the main lifts.

But IMO pushing should include:
Overhead press(standing strict)

Pulling should include:
Rowing variations, etc

Push, pull, legs is a pretty common program.

Any real "strength" based program is going to center around the big 3 competition lifts, and use all the other stuff to build those lifts.

You can still get in a nice amount of volume/hypertrophy on those assistance movements.

I will give you an example of last night which was bench day for me. You can see the assistance movements are done more like a BB, with higher reps, etc. This builds work capacity, and is good for hypertrophy.

bar x many
95 x 10
135 x 10
185 x 1
225 x 1
275 x 1
315 x 1
340 x 3(PR)

Slingshot bench:
315 x 5
325 x 3
335 x 5

5 sec hold bench:(5 seconds on the chest between every rep)
225 x 3
225 x 3
235 x 3

Standing Lat Pulls to Belly
70 x 30
100 x 20
130 x 20
160 x 15

1) standing seated cable rows scap retraction 120 x 20 x 4 sets
2) band pushdowns x 20 x 4 sets

I had SASTM(Sound Assisted Soft tissue mobilization) done yesterday on my pec. Basically they take these hard plastic tools and scrape them hard as fuck on affected areas to break up adhesion and scar tissue. It was one of the most painful things I have ever had In hindsight having it done an hour before bench pressing wasn't the smartest thing. My pec right now looks like a bruised and bloody mess.

Spec C 03-19-2013 11:36 AM

That is because 98% chance you are a weak big mouth faggot, who has never lifted 03-19-2013 11:39 AM

I am in no condition to be power lifting yet. I'd like to get my muscle endurance back first before strength training. Also would like to get my form and diet improved before going big. My stature makes lifting a bit more challenging lol.

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:41 AM

you know what pissed me off. I have pretty good forearm strength. My buddy has shit forearm strength like when we would deadlift he would always be first to start losing grip. Yet fuckers forearms are sick! Haven't met anyone besides uper echelon lifters/pros/etc that have had better forearm development than him.

besides the genetic role man, I'm still trying hard to develop the forearm as much as possible. especially since Im not going after #s any more...

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:44 AM

thats ignorance, follow what spec c lays out and do it. obviously you will be doing a lot less weight than him, but that doesnt mean you now "powerlifting". You will at least be going to the gym with a purpose. Have a proper training regimen along with cardio and diet aligned you will be seeing results.

Spec C 03-19-2013 11:45 AM

Powerlifting isn't only about going big(big is relative). If anything it is more apt to teaching proper form. You don't just put on 95% of your max and start moving it. heh..

IMO what I would do if I were you is look into something like "starting strength" or 5/3/1. Both are great programs for someone in your position(just getting back into it), to even advanced lifters. Neither are really powerlifting programs, but are "strength based".

The problem with most people when they use hypertrophy based programs is they build bad habits on compound lifts, don't balance pulling/pushing and develop imbalances, etc. Programs like that will solve a lot of that.

But push/pull/legs is good too. I would just be including multi joint, compound lifts. But that is me. :)

bmxican 03-19-2013 11:53 AM 03-19-2013 11:58 AM

I see what you mean.

Forgive my short answers, I'm mobile.

I'm definitely interested in learning more effective ways and methods. I also dislike imbalanced workouts. It's easy to spot those who do too much chest not enough back etc.

Spec C 03-19-2013 12:16 PM

Yea that is a big time problem and leads to a host of issues(bad posture being one). I suffered from that as well. Not enough upper back, and scapular retraction. The shoulders begin to round forward all the time, and you go through life lurching around, slumped forward.

This is worsened if you have a desk job where you sit all day, slumped over a computer, as is issues with the posterior chain(shortened hamstrings, tight hip flexors, etc)

A lot of peoples training is also very quad dominant, and lacks adequate hamstring work. Building up the posterior chain is VERY important.

PM me your email addy. I will send you an ebook, that might help you.

bmxican 03-19-2013 12:25 PM

the 5/3/1 ? book spec c? 03-19-2013 12:26 PM

I'll pm you. The biggest issue I noticed was the lack of pre and post workout stretching.

Spec C 03-19-2013 12:27 PM

Yea. 5/3/1, and spreadsheet.

bmxican 03-19-2013 12:31 PM

get your ass on a stairmaster and that will stretch you out for sure!! the 5/3/1 program will work great for you man. Follow it and if you want look else where for dietary help. Jim Wendler himself says he aint the person to ask. Like that about him honest guy. He could of BS'd you to sell more but doesnt.

bmxican 03-19-2013 12:34 PM

I'll be purchasing the Shelby Starnes book on dietary help here soon. 03-19-2013 12:34 PM

I like spreadsheets

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