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skar1.0 03-30-2013 03:13 PM

And don't lean back at the top of the lift, haven't seen the video but i did this a few weeks back myself, put up some mirrors if you haven't so you can watch your form :thumbsup:

PhxKid92 03-30-2013 03:42 PM

ill try it right now lol thanks

i just wanted to see if i could do it lol but yea i wont try it again until i feel i have a good understanding on proper form. im gonna practice with just the bar for right now

jdmrex1 03-30-2013 04:44 PM

Its good you posted that video. Atleast you will know what NOT to do so you dont fuck your back.

PhxKid92 03-30-2013 10:05 PM

hoping this is a little better than before, its hard to get my back to stay in the right position

Spec C 03-31-2013 03:33 PM

Few things.

Firstly those plates look smaller in diameter than a standard 45lb plate so you are pulling from a deficit. Which is fine, but not really optimal when you are trying to get your form down. It changes the mechanics of the lift if the deficit is too great. That is likely causing some of that rounding in your lower back.

Walk up to the bar and set your feet. You want them about shoulder width. Think about where they would be if you were to jump, that is about where you want them. I like to face my toes out slightly.

The bar should be cutting your foot in half. Half your foot should leave the bar about an inch or so away from the shin.

NOW that your feet are set do this.

Bend over at the waist(do NOT bend your knees here.) Completely bend from the waist/hips. grab the bar.

Without moving the bar begin to bend the knees until they touch the bar. STOP there.

Now you want to get your chest up. A good cue for this is "show me the logo on your shirt".

So basically you will squeeze your chest up, until your hips drop into a good location.

To initiate the lift think about pulling back, not so much standing up. Drive your heels through the floor.

On the way down, don't bend at the waist. Let the bar come down your quads by pushing your ass/hips back. Once you get to your knees, THEN drop the knees.

PhxKid92 03-31-2013 07:30 PM

thats because those are 25's not the 45's lol but thanks for the info will take notes and try to get it down

Spec C 03-31-2013 07:49 PM

I know. Doesn't change the fact that they're putting you in a bad starting position. Pull 135. That'slight enough.

PhxKid92 04-01-2013 02:30 PM

is it a good or bad thing when after i get done working out i can barley raise my arms up to wash my pits in the shower lol my arms are dead

Spec C 04-02-2013 09:06 AM

Anyone wanna deadlift tomorrow? 04-02-2013 09:16 AM

What time

Spec C 04-02-2013 09:29 AM

I dunno, my day is pretty open. Preferably before the gym gets busy as hell.

clean4door 04-02-2013 09:39 AM

I'm totally down if I didn't have to work late tomarrow 04-02-2013 10:12 AM

I'm off at 330... pm or text me some details

clean4door 04-03-2013 10:36 PM

So I decided to push my dead lift a bit tonight. I got 285x2 tonight but wasn't happy with my form. So ill dump it down and work on that.

skar1.0 04-04-2013 02:41 AM

First night using my belt tonight gotta say it did help, I felt allot more stable with every breath. I memorized what spec posted up top step by step to deadlift, what helped the most was the tip on breathing, I don't remember who posted it about breathing into the belt and not lifting the shoulders, i dl 365x4 (30-60 second breaks in between) and i felt i could've done more. Thanks for all the advice guys!

Spec C 04-04-2013 08:48 AM

Are you still doing 5/3/1?
Nice work man. Glad the breathing thing helped.

clean4door 04-04-2013 09:44 AM

No since I missed so much time in the gym I'm gonna gr through the starting strength again for a bit, to build up my strength again.
Than gonna start the 5/3/1

Unless u think I should just dial down the wait in that spread sheet and jump on that.

Spec C 04-04-2013 09:56 AM

Well SS is good because you are doing the lifts so much you get a lot of practice. I think you can do 5/3/1 however, you just need to use the correct maxes for NOW. You don't wanna jump back in with your old numbers.

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:06 AM

Def not. That's why I figured I'd go back and work up again.
Ill see if I can play when the numbers in that sheet and get that situated so I can start

Spec C 04-04-2013 10:13 AM

530 x 2 last night. Still trying to figure out an optimal starting position for myself.

Just put in realistic maxes. Something you could do right now. Then use 90% of that for your "training max" to base your numbers off of. I don't remember which sheet you have but it should have a spot for "training max"

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:14 AM

Ya i believe it does. I won't attempt to do anything that I can't. I don't wanna hurt myself or keep it so I can sty in the gym

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:15 AM

Nice dead lift btw

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:20 AM

Trying to get a video up from last night

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:22 AM

Spec C 04-04-2013 10:22 AM

Well as long as your numbers are accurate the weight should be light enough that you will be fine.

Maybe you should just test all your lifts on friday and get accurate numbers. work up to a 3-5 rep max on all lifts.

clean4door 04-04-2013 10:24 AM

Ya ill prob do that. Ill see if I can get someone to spot me and help me a bit and find out

PhxKid92 04-04-2013 11:30 AM

spec what is your max DL?

Spec C 04-04-2013 01:13 PM

I am not sure right now as I haven't taken a true max in a long time. My best deadlift ever was 550 x 1 but that was last summer.

Right now my numbers are based off a 575 max, but I don't think I could pull that right now. I would guess I am right around 550 at the moment, unfortunately. In 2 weeks I need to hit 545 for a single, so that should tell me about where I am.

PhxKid92 04-04-2013 01:35 PM

damn thats impressive, another question what protein shake do you recommend after working out?

Spec C 04-04-2013 01:42 PM

One that tastes good. lol

I mean the "scientific" answer would be a hydrolyzed whey as it is pre-digested, and is rapidly uptaken however I don't find it makes any real difference. A good isolate, blend, or even concentrate(unless you have GI issues) is fine.

This stuff tastes pretty good.

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