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GT489 08-10-2015 06:16 PM

Election 2016
I have a good friend that is covering the presidential candidates. She has started a free app and is doing an instagram page. All she wants to do is get people interested. She is unbiased and is always updating.

Please pass it on as well.

instagram: electiontwentysixteen

google play: electiontwentysixteen

itunes: electiontwentysixteen

fb: election2016

PhxKid92 08-11-2015 12:46 PM


LoooseGSR 08-12-2015 11:20 AM

Why No? PhxKid?

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PhxKid92 08-12-2015 11:31 AM

i always tell mike No. no matter what it is :2cool:

96accordsir 08-13-2015 06:20 PM

Its 15 months away! Why is everybody talking about it so soon?

theAngryMarmot 08-13-2015 08:24 PM

Because it is a big deal.

We currently have had two terms of a Democratic President who will go down as one of the worst Presidents in history.

There is a record number of GOP candidates running.

We have two legacy runners (Clinton and Bush) and a couple wildcards (Trump and Cruz.)

This election is shaping up to be a crazy one as I think the general consensus of the American people is that they are fed up with the current administration.

LS-S DA9 08-13-2015 08:30 PM

At this point it all sucks. Obama drives the country down his shit hole for 8 years then the next guy drives it their way for 4-8 years. Its like a blind folded tug of war that won't end till something breaks.

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theAngryMarmot 08-13-2015 08:40 PM

This time around the possibles are much more interesting.

That and I am patiently awaiting to see how deep of a hole Clinton digs with all the B.S. she has done in the last 4-6 years. I cannot see the Democrats choosing her as their nominee considering the investigations and law breaking she has been doing.

I doubt the Republicans will choose Trump, as they will go with Bush - who is a joke. Trump has already stated that he will run independent. Ted Cruz is also in the ring, and I wish Scott Walker would throw his hat into the ring. More people like those three are what we need to steal away votes from the Hilary campaign and what is looking like Biden.

If the Demos were smart they would stand behind Biden and let the Clintons hang themselves with their corrupt Clinton Foundation and Hilary's complete inability to do anything other than lie, mislead, and cover-up.

What makes this election interesting is the amount of "fed up" that is involved with the people, and the reaction to this by the army of candidates on the opposite side of the political table as Obummer and Hilary.

LS-S DA9 08-13-2015 08:51 PM

But we also have the rediculous amount of sheeple who will vote for another historic event (woman president) just like Obama. The amount of people that said they voted for him simply cause his skin color was RETARDED to say the least. I honestly don't know how he made second term with the amount of people who regretted voting him the first time and the amount of people who DIDN'T vote for him either time.

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S!K TEG 08-14-2015 08:38 AM

you guys still don"t get it. Its not the votes that elect people, its the amount of money they pay.

LALO 08-14-2015 09:51 AM

Provide the evidence or supporting details please sik teg

S!K TEG 08-14-2015 09:55 AM

you prove to me that its the votes electing them?

LALO 08-14-2015 10:01 AM

I can't prove that, and im not saying you are wrong i just want to know how you know.

S!K TEG 08-14-2015 10:07 AM

think about. How did bush get into office? mofo was more retarded then radio. How did our current president make it to second term with the amount of people who regretted voting him the first time and the amount of people who DIDN'T vote for him either time.

Its the people who have the most money gets to be president. The office isn't the "peoples" its bought out by either the person going into office ( bush jr ) or bought in by sponsors ( Obama ).

Koopa Troopa 08-15-2015 07:49 AM

1) Nobody voted for Obama because he was black. The Republicans hung themselves by putting Palin in as McCain's VP. McCain had a really good chance of getting elected but Sarah Palin killed it. Just as the Republicans killed their chance of getting elected for the 2012 election by putting Romney as their candidate.
2) Obama aint the one killing the country. Worthless senators and congressmen are the ones killing the country. It's beyond ignorant to place all your blame on him.
3) Trump has as much a chance of getting elected as Perot had.
4) Hilary is the big ticket name and will get the Democratic Party nomination. The only ones who care about any of these current scandals are the ones who wouldn't vote Democrat anyways, so why anyone thinks her campaign or the Democratic Party cares is beyond me.
5) I hope Bush, Trump, or Cruz gets the Republican nomination so I can laugh at the Republicans for once again putting a Democrat in the White House due to not being able to produce a candidate worth a shit. Which would provide me with four more years of laughs at the misery of my retarded ultra-conservative friends.

theAngryMarmot 08-15-2015 10:57 AM

Large numbers of Black people voted for Obama because of his skin color. To deny that - is to be blind. I know quite a few African Americans that voted for him solely on this purpose.

Large numbers of women will vote for Hilary, because she is a woman.

To say that this won't happen is hilarious. Society is this shallow. Some people WILL vote based on race and gender alone because they think those two attributes affords the candidates some sort of "different perspective."

Obama and his policies need to go. He is as guilty and responsible as everyone "on the hill." Only political window shoppers say things like "He isn't the one killing the country" and "He is just the face of the policies" and "He doesn't have the power."

Here is what is funny, let us take a look at the issue of Executive Order. When anyone mentions Obama's EO history - all they say is "He has made less of them then other presidents, and he is below the average, blah blah blah."

Because people are dumb. People only see how many. People don't want to take the time and read what exactly he pushed through. Go ahead, google them. Then tell me he didn't sign a bunch of crap that is unconstitutional, and against our freedoms, and just wrong. I will wait.

Obama's legacy is one of immense blunder, short sightedness, self-serve, and horrible foreign policy. He is, and will go down as one of the worst presidents in history. Everyone he appointed, recommended, and employed by him will be "guilty by association." Just takes time.

Onto the elections -

Hilary could lose the nomination depending on what more gets drug up - and if Biden runs. I know there is a large amount of Democrats hoping Biden will run so they don't have to do damage control on the Clintons.

The e-mail scandal is a drop in the bucket. What will bring Hilary the most issue is the financials. Particularly where the money comes from, how it got to her, and the links to the Clinton Foundation. Couple that with the E-Mail scandal, Bill's issues, and Benghazi - and that is a hard person to push.

Biden, on the other hand has been invisible. No scandals, no drama. He was the VP - makes him easy to push.

As far as the "Right" - the staggering amount of people throwing their hat into the ring indicates something obvious. People in this country are sick of that the current administration is doing. That is the biggest take-away from this.

Trump - while saying the right things, and acting the rebel doesn't yet get my support as he is too buddy-buddy with the Clintons.

Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Rubio, and Walker are where it is at to get this country back on track. None will make it far because they don't have the money or the power connections. Hopefully given the resentment the public has towards the current administration - people will at least listen to these guys and actually see what this country needs.

We need someone who will repeal ObamaCare, Undo the deal with Iran, reverse a crap-ton of unconstitutional EOs, Prosecute Holder, do something about the borders, actually have Foreign policy (Syria, ISIS, Yemen, Benghazi anyone?) cares about national debt, and throw "Politically correct" in the trash. Most of all - respect the freedoms that make us Americans.

The truths of Obama's misdeeds will be crammed down all the people's throats who voted for him when the elections start. The Democratic party will be guilty by association - and I would be not surprised if his own "allies" that are in the race will distance themselves and turn against what he has done in office. They will eat their own, just wait and see.

Unfortunately no one that could possible win has the testicles/ovaries to fast track these things. We will just get more years of bickering, half-baked ideas/policies, and power grabs.

In 10-15 years the landscape of this country will be very interesting if things continue they way they are. I predict a significant change in that time schedule if things don't change given the rift/divide that is currently growing faster/harder than any other time in history since 1861.......

Slow_HX 08-15-2015 02:40 PM

I find it funny that people continue to blame Obama for everything. People fail to realize that under his presidency, the unemployment rate has decreased and the county's GDP has increased. All this after Bush brought the country down the toilet with the Iraq war and the recession.

Oh yeah, Hillary will be the new president, even though I won't be voting for her :)

theAngryMarmot 08-15-2015 03:12 PM

die in a dick fire noob 08-15-2015 07:41 PM

Koopa Troopa 08-15-2015 08:14 PM

Paul, you appear to have gone full Fox News.

1) Don't bring something up and then tell us to Google it. You brought up the executive orders, so tell us what it was that he signed and what it means to you.
2) LOL @ bringing up Benghazi. The very few people who still continue to give a fuck about that wouldn't vote Democrat anyways, so nobody cares.
3) Trump is saying all the right things? LOL is really the only response I can give to that.
4) How is opening diplomatic relations with Iran a bad thing?
5) Syria and ISIS? LOL. Who went to Syria to meet and conduct business involving armaments with what became ISIS? Oh yeah, a Republican named John McCain.

theAngryMarmot 08-15-2015 08:56 PM

I left that one out, because it is the public debt share. Not as important as the total IMO. Hence why I included the total debt graph. That and considering the other 6 or 7 charts back up my points, and one might not - I fail to see why it is important. That is like some chick saying "Sorry I have 18 STDs - but hey! I haven't had a cold in two years." Doesn't make it any more appealing of a situation does it?

Iran hates the US. Iran hates Israel. Israel is our biggest ally in the Middle East and has been. Iran has/is/and will be a terrorism supporter. They have no issue admitting it, or chanting "Death to America...." Iran is pretty self-explanatory. Obama has nearly single handidly ended our relationship with Israel - despite their PM being here numerous times to plead for support.

Benghazi isn't a big deal yet- but it is yet another blunder by the administration. Small or large, these will all be working against them. The fact Hilary is a part of will make yet another scandal for the Democrats to spin. Will be interesting how the movie version of this that is coming out plays the events.

Don't even get me started on McCain. That guy is a joke. He has flipped-flopped and betrayed his supporters more time than I can count. I never stood behind McCain. Like it or not - Trump is exactly correct about him.

ISIS - let us not forget a little over a year ago Obama called them "the JV team" of terrorism. Remember that? Probably not. Syria was another foreign policy debacle perpetrated by Obama. All this shows that he has no clue with policy. The same applies to Clinton and her lack of experience and fortitude. Several of Obama's advisors tried to brief him on ISIS, Syria, and Benghazi - and he brushed it all off like it wasn't worth his time. They briefly mentioned this in the MSM for about 5 seconds then it was all swept under the table.

As far as Trump, the most impressive thing about him? He doesn't give a crap about being politically correct. I respect that. The whole "political correct" part of society sickens me. Just a way that society and the left is justifying censorship under a false blanket of goodwill. He may not verbalize his thoughts in a eloquent manner - but he has a lot of ideas that could fix/repair this broken country. Rudy Giuliani supports Trump, and basically said the same thing I did - good ideas, just horrible at expressing them. IMO we need to fix the borders, we need to do away with politically correct.

I haven't "went Fox news." I don't watch TV news. I base my opinions on the facts - which I have no issue posting in here (which I have as needed.) I don't align with Republicans or Democrats. First mistake is assuming I do. My first pick to be the next president would be Scott Walker - based on his track record. Also the reason I am a Ted Cruz and Rand Paul fan. The only thing about Rand Paul I don't like is the slight possibility he might be a closet crazy like his old man.

Obama was a wrong, bad choice that set this country back with his misdirected efforts, and total disrespect for what this country is and should be. The Clintons are a joke, and will sway whichever way pays them the most. Doesn't matter where the money comes from as long as Hilary can play politician and Bill can keep having sex with underage girls on his buddy's private island. Biden is a two legged dog who basically kept a seat warm. The whole current administration was put into place to allow Obama to run with his power, and force through his agenda. Every single nomination and appointment by Obama was for a reason - to allow him to do what he wanted with little or no resistance from those around him. The Republicans - showed to be a bunch of bend-overs who couldn't muster enough fight to even present a unanimous front. If you can't even see that a little bit - then you haven't really looked into what he has been up to the last eight years.

If you want to debate - then post up your research - works better than just name calling and assumptions.

theAngryMarmot 08-15-2015 08:58 PM

Oh, and for the EOs in question - here you go :

* Executive Order 10990 allows the Government to take over all modes of transportation and control of highways and seaports.
* Executive Order 10995 allows the government to seize and control the communication media.
* Executive Order 10997 allows the government to take over all electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels, and minerals.
* Executive Order 11000 allows the government to mobilize civilians into work brigades under government supervision.
* Executive Order 11001 allows the government to take over all health education and welfare functions.
* Executive Order 11002 designates the Postmaster General to operate a national registration of all persons.
* Executive Order 11003 allows the government to take over all airports and aircraft, including commercial aircraft.
* Executive Order 11004 allows the Housing and Finance Authority to relocate and establish new locations for populations.
* Executive Order 11005 allows the government to take over railroads, inland waterways, and public storage facilities.
* Executive Order 11049 assigns emergency preparedness function to federal departments and agencies, consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issues over a fifteen-year period.
* Executive Order 11051 specifies the responsibility of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives authorization to put all Executive Orders into effect in times of increased international tensions and economic or financial crisis.
* Executive Order 11310 grants authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in Executive Orders, to institute Industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison, to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions, and to advise and assist the President.
* Executive Order 11921 allows the Federal Emergency Preparedness Agency to develop plans to establish control over the mechanisms of production and distribution of energy sources, wages, salaries, credit, and the flow of money in U.S. financial institutions in any undefined national emergency. It also provides that when the president declares a state of emergency, Congress cannot review the action for six months.

Yeah, those are all great things right.....................

I suppose if you want this country to end up a government sponsored police state like the UK - then you will love these E.O.s Nothing says Freedom like an oppressive controlling government that forces itself into every facet of your life. But hey, if that happens we can all trade in our rights and freedoms for regulated handouts from our dictators - er I mean - president? Who gives a crap about things like Freedom of speech, religion, and property when we can all get an Obamaphone, ObamaCare, and government food plans. Why be people when we can be subjects!

Take a look at who Obama was quoted as saying his "mentors" were, and who he looked up to doing his early political career. You might not like what you see.

Left unchecked people - that is what could come. Won't be today. Won't be tomorrow - but you better believe that some people in power are actively working towards this. To be blind to the agenda is to be ignorant to your defeat.

I won't even go into my predictions about if things continue down this path. I already think I have a good idea what this country will be like in 10-15 years if things keep heading in the direction they currently are. Time will tell if I am correct - and if I am, at least I am prepared.

I can admit - I wear the "tin foil hat" sometimes. I can be a bit radical in my support of Freedom. I can also be very non-PC due to my love of Freedom. It is hard to fault this mentality when you see things like this list of EOs....

And I predict that the Democratic party will start distancing itself from Obama and his policies the minute they announce their candidates. They will push as much of this administrations failures off on him to try to "clear" their choice of any involvement. Obama is going to be the smelly dude in the corner no one will want to be near when the elections start up. Especially after the Independents, Republicans, and Conservatives start throwing all his failures around and linking them to people like Hilary.

I don't say this just of imagination. This is what I have heard first hand from some people directly involved.

Koopa Troopa 08-15-2015 11:28 PM

Israel is our ally? LMAO. The only thing Israel wants from us is the federal aid and weapons that we give them. Remember how we got stuck in Vietnam for 10 years due to a Vietnamese gunboat shooting at a destroyer? Well, Israel attacked a United States Navy research vessel killing 34 sailors and wounding 171 sailors. What happened? Johnson's administration covered it up because Israel is one of our biggest customers for defense industry.

Israel is a loose cannon and a waste of our tax dollars. Funny how you say that Iran is a threat to the United States, but how many Americans has the Iranian military killed?

theAngryMarmot 08-16-2015 12:35 AM

How about how man Americans have died as a result of Iran's direct support of terrorist groups?

How about this? Perhaps you missed it :

Also Let me direct you here :

Sure, lets help out and open talks with a country that does this :

How about all that Iranian support in Yemen?

Israel is also ally with :

Germany, India, UK, Jordan, Greece, etc. 150ish or so countries.

Not to mention they don't like :

Pakistan, Yemen, Syria, and Turkey (and a few others)

Israel is also one of the very few Middle East countries that goes outside it's borders to help other countries.

I would rather be friends with Israel, then support Iran any day of the week.

Koopa Troopa 08-16-2015 12:53 AM

You completely avoided my question. Not to mention that the only way to get Iran to change is by opening diplomatic channels.

theAngryMarmot 08-16-2015 12:58 AM

I didn't avoid at all. I posted links showing Iran's links to terrorist group, Iran's Military forces in Iraq killing our soldiers. Based on that information I would be inclined to believe that Iran, through direct action of supply, training, support, and/or it's own military has killed quite a few US citizens. Quite a few more than Israel.

And considering the amount of money we have given Israel - why do you reckon our President wants to avoid Israel's PM like the plague? Why would Obama want to destroy relations with what is basically our best Ally in that part of the world, and a country we have sunk ~70 billion dollars into? Where is the logic there? What is the Agenda?

"Diplomatic Channels" won't change a country who is hell bent on hating the US, Israel, and anyone/anything that doesn't align with it's religious views.

When the "channels" were opened - what was the sentiment towards the US and Israel that same day? Refer to my links above. Iran won't change till there is an internal powershift. That isn't going to happen by some hand-shakery and kind words. Iran is a country led by extremist. Conform-or-Die is the political nature there.

Koopa Troopa 08-16-2015 01:16 AM

I skimmed through a few of your links. There is nothing there stating that the Iranian military has killed anyone. Iranian war crimes? Is that anything like dropping two atomic bombs on targets that had no military importance what-so-ever? How about fire bombing cities that had no military importance or completely ignoring Japanese war crimes so we could take the Japan's test data from their chemical and biological weapons projects? What about invading a country so that the Secretary of Defense could profit? Or how about the erradication of the country's indegenious people?

It's absolutely hypocritical for Americans to be accusing anyone of war crimes. Militias were operating out Iran? No shit. Militias in Iraq were also operating out of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, and whatever other nations are in the area. That's what happens when someone invades a country in an area with no accountability of their people.

I was shot at by Syrians, yet you don't see me freaking out about it. If Mexico built a combat outpost right behind your house, I'd expect you to shoot at it too.

theAngryMarmot 08-16-2015 01:30 AM

Ahhh, that post explains why you somewhat support the current administration. You are "one of those."

Still though, how is any of that :

Relevant to the discussion?
Disprove anything I have stated about the current administration, Israel, or Iran?

And please, site sources like I have been doing - by not doing so - it really just boils down to you are posting your opinions based on your personal bias / beliefs.

This is fine, but does not counter well with facts.

I stand by my statements.

Obama sucks, his administration sucks, and he is anti-freedom and anti-American. He has lied about unemployment and the economy. He has performed several actions that are either criminal, or unconstitutional. Obama, Holder, and the like should have to answer for their crimes - but won't.

Israel > Iran and the current administrations efforts to derail our relations with Israel is retarded. Iran supports terrorism, and hates America. You can't reason with a country who is led by religion extremest that hate everything "the west" stands for.

Obama's EOs are the worst ever ordered in the history of this country and show his (and those like) agenda towards stripping us of our freedoms.

The Democrats will distance themselves from Obama in the upcoming election, because of his dismal approval rating and flops.

The current large number of Republican candidates shows how fed up people here are with Liberals and Democrats.

Hilary and her husband are scum. Her nomination could be in trouble if Biden runs. Hilary has made a mess of things for herself, and her globe-trotting womanizing husband and their fraudulent "Foundation" doesn't help.

People will vote based on race and gender. This is obvious.

I fail to see anything posted here that is a factual, verifiable counter to my thoughts/research.

This isn't a debate the United State's moral and ethical behaviour during WW2 thread. This is a debate the upcoming election thread. Issues like Syria, Yemen, Israel, Iran, Clintons, and the Economy are important.

Koopa Troopa 08-16-2015 03:58 AM

You're the one bringing up articles about Iranian "war crimes." What exactly do I need to cite? Do you want me to bring up a source confirming I've been shot at, or a source confirming the USS Liberty incident? How about a source for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

Also, LOL @ one of "those." Those being what exactly?

theAngryMarmot 08-16-2015 10:04 AM

Irans history = relevant to the thread due to the recent action in their favour taken by the administration.
Syria = relevant to the thread due to the current administration fumbling of policy regarding recent events.
Israel - relevant to the thread based on the current administration shunning them, despite them being an ally.
Yemen - relevant to the thread based on the current administration ignore it, Iran's involvement, and the link to the Clintons.

These are current, and outline the current administrations failures in foreign policy which will be brought up in the upcoming elections and a major talking point in the PR/Media war.

Not relevant to the thread, and won't be brought up in the current election, so I have no clue to why you feel they are useful here :

WW2 and Japan
You being shot at.
USS Liberty (Which wasn't a conspiracy as Israel admitted to it, said "our bad" and paid up.)

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