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urquidezj 03-03-2013 09:36 AM

Need some advice, shit getting out of hand
Sup azht
Been long time member still see some names from back in the day
Here is my problem.
I'm 5''10 and got to a depressing weight of 301. I don't know what to do to stop eating like a fuckin pig.
Feeling depressed about it only makes me eat more. I'm thinking a doc visit is in order but like a true Mexican refuse to go near one hehe
Anybody that was a tub and changed their lifestyle have advice? Motivation? Anything? This shit needs to stop! Lol
Sorry for the bitch rant
A 300 lb dude on a ek hatch just isn't pretty lol

SiR Mikey 03-03-2013 10:29 AM

No secret to it man, just self control. No one can give you the key to motivation, you have to find it within yourself. If you cut out all soda, fast food, candy/junk food and controlled your portions with a walk around the block every night you'd be surprised how much your body would change.

What do your eating habits look like?

urquidezj 03-03-2013 10:39 AM

Yeah that's the thing about it I have to make a change and have to make it fast here is my everyday
Morn:bag of chips, Danish, and a cherry coke
Lunch jack, a&w or burrito stand
Dinner lots of beer and fast food joint,
Saturdays n sun
Bfast burrito
Wait for wife to get off work then well hit up anything ranging from Olive Garden to chillis and everything in between.
She doesn't gain a fuckin thing and I'm just packing it on. Was 240 when I met her now back to 300 was 325 when I was in college but never been able to just completely change the eating habit.
All that has to change I know that but the fat demon doesn't let go easily

itrranger37 03-03-2013 11:34 AM

i helped a friend out by telling him how much money he was SPENDING, compaired to making healthy things and still have enough to save for the next day for alot less. all that junk food candy is ok to have everynow and then but not a daily thing. limit yourself to sweets to the weekends atleast. and go hike play basket ball and tennis stay active.
also look wats in junk food, its pretty nasty was jack, mcDs and tacobell uses

hope this helps. it helped him out

intel 03-03-2013 11:48 AM

I was just gonna say, if you change your diet youll be RICHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

theAngryMarmot 03-03-2013 01:20 PM

There is your problem, everything you eat is sh*t. No offense.

Give up the soda. I gave it up over 15 years ago, and never looked back. After two-three weeks of no soda you will start sleeping better, have less stomach issues, etc. I can't stress enough about what a drastic change this will make. If I get the urge to drink a soda, I buy a sparkling water.

Get rid of the fast food. There are tons of places nowadays that serve food that is well priced and better for you.

And get rid of the beer. I have one a month, if that. I don't miss it.

Me and the wife typically have a shake in the mornings (We make them with ice, fruit, and OJ in the blender.)

My wife will have one for lunch (a Veggie shake) and she will have a small snack with that.

I eat a grilled chicken salad everyday nearly (Cracker Barrel has a 5.99 special with a grilled chicken salad and baked potato.) Not the best, but 100x better than fast food.

Dinner we usually go somewhere that has good quality ingredients. We have also started sharing a lot of meals because most portion sizes these days are plenty for two.

If you drink any of those "energy drinks" - STOP - immediately. Those things are the worst. Don't buy into the advertising. Chang your diet for the better, and you will not need the energy.

Walk everyday. Physical activity. You don't have to run, you don't have to kill yourself. Wander around. If it helps motivate you to do so, buy a cheap camera and use walking around as an excuse to take pics.

I see the effect of fast food, energy drinks, beer, and soda everyday. Most of the field techs at my work eat like you do. They constantly have health issues, are out of shape, and look like hell.

urquidezj 03-03-2013 03:01 PM

I know it is shit so no offense taken.
Soda is my biggest problem, that burn and good burp u get from it is what has me hooked, eating food without it sucks for me but I know it's hurting me.
I will have to look for a replacement lol with the way I'm going its getting hard to do simple day to day things.

apSquidFace 03-04-2013 03:53 PM

There are plenty of natural ways to get around that. Fresh squeezed lemonade with seltzer water or club soda, same with natural orange juice or any juice for that matter. Anything in abundance is bad and juices can be high in sugar and other bad things so make sure you are squeezing your own juice and or buying natural juices without additives.

It sounds like you just aren’t accountable for what you eat, perhaps possibly you just don’t understand what you are eating? Just by looking at your list of things I can determine the following and I think its a modest guess at best…

You’re 5'10 300+ lbs. when you should be 150-180

Your breakfast is about 1200-1500 calories and about 30 grams of fat (already at your limit for fat intake for the whole day when you’re trying to lose weight)

Lunch is around 2000-2200 calories and close to 30-40 grams of fat

Dinner is a shit load of carbs and even more fat.. Depending on how much beer you’re drinking (assuming its bud light or something similar) you’re probably packing in another 2000-2500 calories and another 25-40 grams of fat… alcohol definitely isn’t helping you burn any fat off thats for sure

If you are looking to just lose weight you are going to have to drop your calorie intake to a manageable level, id say 2200-2500 daily tops! But without being to nuts about the calories aspect you really need to eat low fat lean food and im not talking about “no fat sour cream” and low fat food alternatives but naturally low fat foods like Vegetables, Chicken, lean beef fruit etc. Also cut the drinking to one beer max a night if you can handle it id only have one a week for a while.

All of this is only going to get you so far as exercise to a certain extent like walking as mentioned before is a must to help stimulate the fat loss. If you have a Smart phone download MyFitnessPal and start logging everything you eat and make a conscious decision to do so every single time. It’s a great app, that monitors everything you do, there is a bar code scanner for food, you can monitor your fat intake etc. etc. etc.

Id say if you follow all of that youd easily lose 2-5 lbs a week with minimal excercise. Youll eventually plateau and then youll have to step up your excercise level but thats natural and to be expected

Spec C 03-04-2013 05:42 PM

The fresh squeezed lemonade is a great idea. I usually make a big ass 2-3gallon jug of that on monday for the week. I sweeten it with stevia. People who are drinking orange juice may as well just eat a handful of gummy bears..heh

The one thing I don't agree with is your views on fat. You don't "need" to eat under 40g of fat to lose weight. I am not sure where you pulled that figure from quite frankly as it is going to vary greatly on the rest of the diet structure and the individual. .

Dropping fat too low is also a good way to send your natural test levels into the shitter, which is not conducive to losing weight, especially for someone who is already obese and in all likely hood statistically already has a horrible test/estrogen ratio.

Personally I would like to see 25-30% fat at minimum depending on the rest of the diet.

Also at his weight he is going to be able to come down fairly easily at a higher caloric intake. The mistake MANY people make is dropping too loo too fast. In all likely hood if I put him on a diet tomorrow he would be eating 3500 calories. No joke. Ask RC how many calories he is

It is solid advice to start paying attention to what he eats, no doubt, and I generally agree with your points save for your views on fat, and calorie intake.

I would definitely suggest he start making his own meals asap.

usdm420 03-04-2013 05:44 PM

I met my wife at 220 pounds. I'm rose up to 306, and am now down to 273 and counting.

What did I do that was so amazing? I told my own fucking self to stop gorging on everything in sight. That was it. I dropped 33 pounds in 6 months just on diet alone. I have yet to start exercising (outside of walking the dog).

I switched my coke to coke zero, and my Monster to Monster Zero.....and I've started drinking water (NEVER used to drink water like you should). I still only drink 4-5 glasses a day, but it's better than 0.

At our weights, it's possible to drop 50 EASY just on diet alone. EASY. When I say "easy", I don't mean it's gonna be easy to alter your entire diet....but easy as in that's ALL you have to do to lose 50 pounds without even adding exercise.

Working out is only going to accelerate that loss though.

BTW, as for calories....I started out eating 1500-2000 a day. I now eat 2500-3000 and I maintain without a problem. And trust me, I always had a problem of dropping weight, then blowing back up again.

Once Spring hits and I get some damn warm weather up here, I'll be doing more walking/jogging, and going back to 2000-2500 cals for another 4-5 months to try and drop another 30.

apSquidFace 03-04-2013 06:04 PM

Well, I don't think he plans on hitting the gym and at his current activity level.... I guess just different schools of thought... I do agree though that pretty much anything is better than the mess of a diet he is currently on.

eg2 03-05-2013 08:15 AM

You'll make it man, keep positive and do yo best to walk as much as possible..I know, sounds like to much to walk but once you get it going, you're gonna do it more often and results you'll see :thumbup:

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2

gunsup0331 03-05-2013 03:15 PM

Lots of good advice here already but heres one simple change you can make:
Buy the bulk packs of water bottles at frys and replace all your fluid intake with water only
Change nothing else but this and i guarantee it will make a huge difference. Once you see the difference you will be motivated to take the next step

Good luck

Dedspool Superior Tuned 03-05-2013 09:01 PM

Do you have kids?

urquidezj 03-06-2013 10:03 AM

Thanks for the advice peeps I don't have kids yet

skar1.0 03-07-2013 03:10 PM

Like squid said download myfitnesspal and track everything you normally eat and start subtracting calories from your weekly intake once you see the numbers of what you eat and drink now it won't seem too difficult to start changing a few things here and there. Changing all or most of your drinks to water will make a huge impact, you don't have to switch your entire diet right away i started changing my diet slowly using those two things and it made a big difference, add some exercise and you'll start to notice the changes within the first month. Good luck man there's plenty of people on here who can answer your questions.

urquidezj 03-07-2013 03:15 PM

My bud in Cali send me a pic of himself from 2010 and he was 270+ got on the keto diet and went to 160 in a year, now staying at 165 to 170. Anybody try that here? He highly recommends I get on it get me some ketostix to monitor my levels and I should be good to go. Any comments on this type if dieting? I did try the slow carb last June and was doing great went from 295 to 270 in two months untill I had a death in the family and eating depression kicked in again so I know I can make the change just slide off track easily. I've had one soda all week :-) just drinking tea and water

SiR Mikey 03-07-2013 07:10 PM

Keto won't let you slack, either you test purple or fail which is good. It's a rough way to diet though and not exactly something id jump in to from where you are starting.

urquidezj 03-07-2013 10:12 PM

I'm gonna try and give it a shot, I mean nothing can be worse that the shit I'm giving my body. At least maybe get a dickplone going soda is out of the picture I hope now to takle other things.

sleddy 03-08-2013 01:03 AM

I was out of control for a while and just got tired of being fat. I knew my life could improve by loosing weight and it has. A dumb analogy but think of your body as an engine, you're eating food (gas) but you are continually putting more food into your body than it uses on a daily basis so instead it overflowing out of the gas tank its storing it in reserves as fat. You need to start eating less and/or using more than you take in, then your body will start using the fat as fuel.

A keto diet is tough and I suggest reading a book or two on it before starting. There is no cheating on a keto diet and if you do it wrong you could do harm. The theory is you replace your normal sugar/carb intake with fat. Your liver goes crazy and starts using the fat to feed your brain etc instead of the normal sugar. You're basically eating nothing but meat and vegetables. No pastas, bread, tortillas, fruits (most), no corn, potatoes and on and on.

I say start on a lower calorie and low fat diet and go for a nightly walk. Track your progress by keeping a journal. Write down what your have been eating, how you feel, your weight and your exercise. I write down my progress once a week even though I am now always conscious of my progress. Its worked for me, might be helpful.

As far as fast food, Many places have great chicken salads. When you get one they give you two dressings, just use one and mix it in good. They are great for when you need to do fast food. I like the salads at Wendy's and chic-fa-la the best.

As you start to eat less your stomach will shrink and you will eventually get use to the smaller portions. It sounds like you've come to a turning point in your life. I know you can do it cause my lazy ass is :)

IS-Frank 03-08-2013 06:37 AM

I was the same way man i was a lean 142-154lbs guy and im 5'9 i got married had a kid and everyday was fast food for me u name it i had it.....i blew up to 257 lbs i looked at my self and didnt realize how big i got...then i took a good look at my self and that made me change right away started excersizing eating better and cut off all fast food, soda,etc,etc mainly all the junk food u ca imagine...i do a cheat day once in a while but i know i shouldnt and when i do i feel horrible....just start walking that walking goes to jogging by the time u know it ur running...i started doing this in around june.....and now im down to 215lbs and still dropping im building more muscle and feeling better waiking up less tired back doesnt hurt as much and im more active with my kids then i was months ago....its just motivation if u set ur mind to it you can do it.....i know there are times when i hit the gym and dont feel like doing anything but i put my headphones in and do work by the time i get done/tired i look at the time and notice ive been there for a good hour/hour and a half....
My wife is a twig she can eat and eat and not gain anything.....she still tells me to stop at wendys,burgerking,mc donalds,etc,etc to grab her something to eat and for the kids and as much as i want to get a big mac i control my self ...its all about self control and motivation

my fitness pal is a good app was using that and helped me alot by keeping count and watching what i daily calorie intake was about 1000-1200 cal. A day not good since that lowers ur metablism to loose weight stick to a 2000 cal. A day diet and work out and u should see not step on a scale everyday do it on fridays at the end of the of luck man

5lugFeen 04-18-2013 02:58 AM

Set a goal for your self. Goals are great motivators.

Nutrition wise.

Losing weight is quite easy with the right mind frame.
all you need to do is get into a caloric deficit from your maintenance caloric daily intake, that and cardio even walking around the block for 30mins, and you will see changes. also drink at least a gallon of water a day, that helps flush out the water that you are retaining from not drinking enough. if you need any more help or advise message me! good luck

j-dizzle 04-21-2013 01:52 PM

Theres alot of good advice here. but lets face it most people cant just change over night. so try new things out. giving up soda is one of the hardest things people can do. most kids now days are raised on it. easy solution switch to diet. i have learned helping friends is when they switch to a diet soda by week 3 they want nothing to do with it.

Food is the hardest thing to control and completely switching your eating habits is damn near impossible without a shit ton of motivation. In the mornings try out a banana and apple. quick and easy plus it has fiber which will keep you feeling more full longer and both give you a boost in energy.

Now when it comes to eating out its simple and easy so include that thinking in your choices. to completely give up what you like in order to lose weight because once the weight is off and you start eating that type of food again you pile the weight right back on. Instead use portion control.

Salads can go a long way and taking food home doesnt hurt anyone. most people dont pay attention to things like jack tacos are like 300 cals and 10g of fat each and people eat 4-10 in one sitting. thats my entire day worth of food.

Make small changes you know you can follow and go from there. Get on a cal counter online (theres tons) and figure out what your total daily allowed cals is and build something around that.

Now all these guys know more than me but i have helped friends shed some unwanted lbs and this is what works for them in the beginning. Just know what you are putting into your body because you have to burn it off.

One of the best forms of cardio is jumping rope. So if you can take 20 mins and just jump some rope.

urquidezj 04-30-2013 10:06 AM

sup azht, started keto on the 19th of march @ 303lbs, down to 281. its is a super easy lifestyle for me cuz i can eat meat everyday no probem, aside from the two gout flares i had, everything going good, im focused, feel full of energy and am determined to stick to this change for good.

cbaracing 04-30-2013 04:49 PM


gunsup0331 04-30-2013 11:01 PM


johnb20 09-09-2013 08:52 AM

:smile: your so dreamy mow!!

22 lbs nice good job!!

bmxican 09-12-2013 07:10 AM

hows it going for you bro?

the77dude 10-21-2013 01:22 PM

it takes time and your choices a good way to start try to kill the soda dont just stop ur body will react n want more out of 20 oz just intake 10 then drink 20oz water dilute it then you will work ur way to stopping the soda even more your meat should be the size of your fist n greens twice that size. try these for starts you could do it man n u will feel better hmu if u need more info

gsr 10-22-2013 12:17 PM

Never give up. stay active and you'll be alright.

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