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usdm420 08-17-2018 02:22 PM


Joe Hora busted for sending nude pics and trying to bone an underage autistic girl. And I had NO clue he had been booted from the Military for similar shit either.

Joe Joe Joe....tisk tisk buddy. Don't come walking over to say hi to me or my kids again if/when you get out.


That the guy who had a hyundai?

usdm420 08-17-2018 02:46 PM

And a Fiat and the old base model RSX

theAngryMarmot 08-17-2018 02:47 PM

Good thing many of us cut ties with him a long time ago.

king06 08-17-2018 02:49 PM

Just saw

rudsone 08-17-2018 03:32 PM

Gona get the booty treatment in prison. What a piece of shit. Guess Azht got the last laugh on this one?

cbaracing 08-17-2018 03:56 PM

did anyone notice how it says he is a convicted sex offender already?

wonder what he did to get convicted the first time?

PhxKid92 08-17-2018 03:59 PM

I mean are any of us surprised by this honestly? I always had a feeling he was a chomo after the story Lynette told me and his weirdo vibes he would throw off, he even tried to talk to my wife a few times lol I wish I would have smashed him a long time ago, there’s only one cure for pedophilia pew pew

usdm420 08-17-2018 04:01 PM

Article says he got discharged from the Navy over the same shit. They made him register back then. He’s been a sex offender this whole time.

PhxKid92 08-17-2018 04:02 PM

Lynette (his ex girlfriend) told me that he was messing around with his superiors underage daughter when he was in the navy she even told me he was a sex offender he’s just classified as a class 1 so he doesn’t have to publicly register, after this he’s definitely gonna have to and everyone is always gonna know where he lives now after he gets out of prison

cbaracing 08-17-2018 04:04 PM

i remember an azht meet or cruise we were at and he was talking my wifes ear off about his girlfriend dumping him. some crazy shit right there

cbaracing 08-17-2018 04:05 PM


PhxKid92 08-17-2018 04:07 PM

A long time ago when me and him were arguing me and pizza exposed him on here then of course he threatened to sue for slander/ Defamation of character lmao

cbaracing 08-17-2018 04:15 PM

of course he did

S!K TEG 08-17-2018 05:29 PM

I use to be cool with him but then he started to just be this very arrogant bitch and I just removed myself from that shit long ago. Never knew though.

From that ass and tits thread, I wonder how many were underage that he posted?

1stgen 08-17-2018 05:41 PM

Your boy!

Stealthy 08-17-2018 05:55 PM

Saw it coming years ago

Mop 08-17-2018 05:59 PM

Lol dudes a loser.

adam 08-17-2018 06:05 PM

Not surprising at all.


Most posts in one day since 2010? LOL

king06 08-17-2018 09:29 PM

LMAO I know right. Never met him. Who wooped his ass and he ran away right?

cbaracing 08-17-2018 09:51 PM


Honda4Life. 08-17-2018 10:33 PM

Met him when I 1st moved down here almost 10yrs ago. Hung out a couple times. Met her on an AZHT cruise with him, was nice and he didnt seem bad...... Until after the cruise. Everyone stopped for Pizza someplace and her Ex was picking up or dropping off her little girl and he made such a fuss about her daughter. Thought it was strange as why someone would get involved with someone that has a kid if the kid pisses you off so bad. Never talked to him after that as I didnt want to be around a 2 faced person like him.

Lynette seemed like a nice gal and deserved better than him forsure.

What a sad little man.

Honda4Life. 08-17-2018 10:35 PM

Is that why he stopped coming around here?

Jason.AZ1 08-18-2018 12:11 AM

Woke up to like 30 messages today about this fucker. I just surprised azht never dug this up back in the day like all the others that got exposed on here

6thgen 08-18-2018 12:44 AM

That fookin

I<3myej1 08-18-2018 01:39 AM

Crazy fucking chomo pos

LALO 08-18-2018 04:54 AM


stin1 08-18-2018 07:15 AM

Never met the guy but I remember him posting a lot . I read the article and couldn't figure out why I recognized his face. Azht explains it. Lol. So what is that now? Car thief, fraudster, murderer, and now azht can add a molester to its list of bad apples.

Honda4Life. 08-18-2018 07:44 AM

Hes facing just a "few" charges.

Booking Number: T483120
Booking Date: 08/16/2018
Height: 5'03
Weight: 165
Eye Color: BROWN
D.O.B: 9/8/1985

Now time to look up what the penalty is for those charges "if" he is convicted.

dwa_colt45 08-18-2018 08:58 AM

I have NEVER trusted short people

theAngryMarmot 08-18-2018 09:05 AM

Don't forget to take in consideration he was already apparently a registered offender. That will add a multiplier effect to the sentence.

Honda4Life. 08-18-2018 09:11 AM

I coudnt find him on the AZ sex offender register from his previous court marshall.

Im sure someone of his stature won't find it easy in prison espically with the charges hes currently facing.

LALO 08-18-2018 11:34 AM

Sore bunghole 4 joe schmoe. He should have learned a long time ago.

S!K TEG 08-18-2018 12:13 PM

He was a level 1 sex offender so he didn’t have to register and I think since it was through the military police. I don’t think those record are public. I could be wrong though. I remember the first time he posted his RSX he had a pedobear decal on it, seems like it suited him just fine.

king06 08-18-2018 03:57 PM

I guess he posted bail and is out.

PhxKid92 08-19-2018 09:29 AM

No he’s not lol that was OBVIOUSLY a troll account on azsh

6thgen 08-19-2018 05:34 PM

These fucks always have some typa stupid excuse. I wonder what his is. Woulda been funny if he got caught up by Chris Hansen.

king06 08-19-2018 10:00 PM


stin1 08-20-2018 07:28 AM

What is azsh?

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