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bmxican 04-02-2014 11:24 AM

hahha, well then fucking shrug it out like a mad man!!!

usdm420 04-02-2014 11:40 AM 04-03-2014 08:49 AM

loooove that day after legs day...weighted lunges giving me nightmares

rotneg 04-03-2014 12:47 PM

competition went well didnt get to where I wanted. started too low with my opening lifts. finished 3rd overall in my weight class not disappointed for my first competition, and took a 1st place finish in my age class.
squat: 363lbs
bench: 319lbs
dead lift: 501lbs
total: 1185lbs (measured in kilos not exact weight)

Spec C 04-03-2014 01:32 PM

Nice job.

Gotta get that squat up!

Why do you feel your openers were too low? Honestly it shouldn't really matter where you open.

usdm420 04-03-2014 02:14 PM

That's a pretty damn good DL man! Congrats on 3rd. The fact you even competed is tits.

failedabortion 04-03-2014 07:27 PM

Maybe add some farmers carries for traps.

I hardly ever do direct trap work and they seem to grow on par with everything else. Need to start benching again, stopped for a while(like 2 months lol) when working on posture correction.

rotneg 04-04-2014 05:21 PM

Well you only get three lifts so I had to make big jumps to finish at a decent weight. I think I siked myself out on squats, when I got to the bottom I bent down as if I wasn't low enough then couldn't realign to lift the weight, it's time to take a serious look at my form. The judge told me after my second lift that I was going super deep.

I tied weight on dead lifts and had the highest bench in my weight. My dead lift felt super easy I wanted to try for state record but a paperwork issue screwed me. The comp was fun thinking about doing the next one in June.


Spec C 04-04-2014 05:33 PM

Lol I know how it works. But there's nothing wrong with making bigger jumps. I made two 50lb jumps front 1st to 2nd and 2nd to 3rd on squats, and an 85lb jump from my first to second dl last meet.

I actually prefer to make larger jumps honestly. Don't waste too much energy on an opener that doesn't matter. I see some people open so high they end up spent after 1-2 attempts. Or open too high and miss their opener.

Just comes down to what you're comfortable though. You also need a decent idea on where your strength is.

SiR Mikey 04-04-2014 07:17 PM

I made the same mistake on my squat. 3rd attempt i questioned my depth and folded. Learning expereince man, just be happy you didn't bomb it and have some solid numbers to work with. You get any of it on video?

rotneg 04-06-2014 11:25 AM

Ya I know you knew I was just explaining my thought process. I see your point and maybe it is a better idea to reserve energy. But when it came to bench and dead I still had more in me.

Ya my buddy videoed all my lifts but I don't have them yet. Definitely got to learn I may shoot for a state record next meet we will see.

Spec C 04-06-2014 11:43 AM

I hear ya.. There is such a fine line on hitting that third attempt perfect, and leaving a bit on the table. It can be tricky.

If you can get close on the second, then you will have a better idea on your third.

rotneg 04-06-2014 01:06 PM

Ya that was my biggest problem my second lift was not near my limits But it was my first comp so it was a nice learning experience.

TucsonEuroCamry 04-07-2014 07:50 PM

I hit my high of 210 on the bench with 10 reps on my 3rd set. So stoked about that!!! Haha. I was pushing so hard on the last 5 reps, I didn't think I was going to make the last three , but I just pushed hard

Spec C 04-07-2014 09:42 PM

Nice work sir.

Phillie 04-07-2014 10:46 PM

This year I'd like to drop some body fat and lean up. I cancelled my golds gym membership after a year since the most i went was 5 times. Since I have my home set up I just work out at home. I'm looking for a good used treadmill for home. Anyone have a good experience with a certain brand and make? I don't want a cheap one that will fall apart. I would like to spend $200-$300 but will spend more if its worth it. TIA!

Spec C 04-07-2014 11:10 PM

Ps anyone interested in a like new set of Nike romaleos? The heel is slightly too high for my squat style.

Spec C 04-07-2014 11:13 PM

Typed out a long ass post on ellipticals for you Phillie but the forum ate it. Said something about needing approval from a moderator, and then dissappeared lol.

Phillie 04-07-2014 11:21 PM

That sucks. Thanks for trying. I like ellipticals but the wife doesn't. I'd like for her to be able to use it also.

Spec C 04-07-2014 11:26 PM

What doesn't she like about them?

Honestly they're so much better for home use Imo.

Phillie 04-07-2014 11:33 PM

She's a sissy. I had one before and she wouldn't use it. She doesn't like the overall movement.

usdm420 04-08-2014 06:46 AM

I've noticed if your post is too long or you include too many pictures, and that stupid message appears. It's fucking retarded.


Spec C 04-08-2014 07:23 AM

Yea because it killed a second post i typed out too. This forum is going to shit lol

Phillie. Have her try a nicer elliptical with adjustable stride. Worlds different.

TucsonEuroCamry 04-08-2014 12:32 PM

did dumbbell pullovers yesterday and feeling it today haha. Today I got a rough workout ahead of me. Excited for it haha

usdm420 04-08-2014 02:16 PM

I've been slacking so fucking bad lately....I'm getting pissed at myself. I let my own laziness get the best of me, and next thing I know I haven't lifted in 4 straight days.

I need to get my shit together, the year is already 1/3 of the way over and I haven't really "progressed" for SHIT!

Spec C 04-08-2014 03:12 PM

Consistency/time under the bar is paramount. It's hard to ever get ahead when you take 3 steps forward, 2.8 back.

For me, when I started making my best gains was when this became my hobby and not really a "chore". It's one of the things I loved to do most and my release. When I started working life around the gym and really looking forward to each session shit started to click. 04-08-2014 03:27 PM

I agree with Spec, my gf still works out with me 5 days a week, we make it fun, we motivate each other on those slacky days, we still have a cheat meal once in a while but yea

definitely finding that groove/schedule really helps

Spec C 04-08-2014 03:36 PM

Now.....Do that for YEARS without fail, and you will make some great progress :)

I am going to get some "ARP Wave Therapy" done tomorrow.. See what this shit is about. Got some nagging shit I want to address.

usdm420 04-08-2014 04:14 PM

Dude I know man, I know! My last "5 monther" I was locked in man. It was what I did for fun. Had spare time? Lets lift. Saturday kinda boring? Lets do some stretches and accessory lifts, etc.

I just need to get THAT back. It's a mix of laziness and excuses really, and I know that's all it is. My diet has been all over the place, my motivation has been wearing off, and it just sucks cuz I want that spark back.

Maybe it's the atmosphere in which I lift too? Being the only person lifting surrounded by senior citizens isn't necessarily an adrenaline pumper. I might take a look at the local $10 fitness club. Even if I can only make it over there 2-3 days a week and do another 1-2 at my current spot......maybe the new environment will get me back into it?

I dunno, I'm just reaching I said, EXCUSES lol

usdm420 04-08-2014 04:18 PM

Lol you're still in that romance phase though Joe. I LITERALLY put in 8-9 months STRAIGHT of 5 days a week before getting in this rut.

Spec has put in YEARS. That's when you're dedicated and know you love something. Anyone can do 4-5 months and be "all about it" haha

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