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BoostedJ 12-21-2014 02:46 PM

No but when you're a fake, you're a fake. So any dyno is hard to beleave to be accurate. For all I know his cams are just rocket copies, but I don't have any first hand experience with them either.

DDTECH 12-21-2014 08:39 PM

Rocket, Copies. LOL I haven't heard that one in awhile. Rocket Uses A grinder called JB Cams, and stuff he never created. I use a completely different grinder and our profiles are actually designed by, Get this, US.

Friend sent me a message about this thread, thought i'd "drop by"

Nothing i've ever said was a lie, or fake, Infact, i share alot of common thoughts with people and i express as such. Chris D, is actually a good friend of mine through the tuning world..

We actually have more Dynos out of our b series stuff, then H series, but we're starting to post more and more test for all motors out, D/K/H/F/Bs

We actually spent time and our own money to test and provide the public with REAL, R/D.. on different motors.

I'm not active on here and dont plan to be. Dont like me because your cousin's brother's sister doesn't like me, thats cool. Dont like my cams, thats cool too, doesn't bother me one bit. But When you "believe" everything you hear or see from the sea of haters i've created with my success, then believe me, you aren't worth my time.

" Success Breeds Enemies" It stands true. and we're on facebook, you can read from the hundreds of customers we have, their reviews.

If you have any other questions about anything and want info or truth from the horses mouth, You can contact me

C.R.A.Y. 12-21-2014 09:43 PM


Koopa Troopa 12-22-2014 07:30 AM

Jesus, that's two cam companies that joined just because of this thread. Think we could get any others to join if we say their product sucks?

C.R.A.Y. 12-22-2014 07:37 AM

Technically no one said ddtech cams sucked. Kid just thought he knew something about Derek

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 07:51 AM

I can personnally never trust anything that come out of your mouth derick. (Not that you care anyway) just saying I would never consider spending my money with you after reading the many copy and paste posts. It one thing to spread i.fomation but to act like its your thoughts when they are not...come on now,. I bet if chris d swa this he would laugh his ass off...keep lieing some people have been around bullshitter all their life, and can see one a mile away.. end rant sorry...

Ps cray I'm not some kid, I'm most likely older then you. Do yiu have any real info to add to the topic to help derick out?

C.R.A.Y. 12-22-2014 09:25 AM

do you? show us these copy and pastes since youre so in the know

DDTECH 12-22-2014 06:44 PM

I didn't just "randomly" Join. I was made known of the thread. I do from time to time, google myself and my company. I look for new activity somewhere, where someone might be inquiring about us but can't find the correct information, or in this case. Believe everything they read on the internet.

Because they dont. We've tested against all the big name bar setters and have constantly out performed in both power/torque others. We've also made better powerbands, more useable.. also quieter VT noise as well as cutting wear down on camshafts.

No, You're definitely some kid who can't properly spell or punctuate for shit. My name is Derek.
Please, Contact Chris D. Right now and tell him your purpose in this situation and he will, will probably tell you, to piss off.

Nobody's Bullshitting anything. Some of "the" fastest cars around winning races run our camshafts. I dont need to bullshit Track proven results. When companies like Mission critical, Golden Eagle and more WANT to do business with you and CARRY your products or even recommend their customers to you, there's nothing to bullshit about.. infact I find it funny that you've spent this much time, Talking trash about me personally, and not my business.. its usually the other way around, and i can tell.. You're some internet "know it all"..
Dont worry brother.. its ok. Believe me.

He doesn't, Its all hearsay, Infact there are some post in some forums where i've copied shit that i've said months back in other discussion and just pasted em to save myself trouble of retyping or even rethinking. I dont pass anything off as my own, Its all learned..

When you've been tuning as long as I have, been in the business as long as I have.. you come to terms that there are always gonna be these kids, who talk shit for no reason.

Although I said my previous reply was my last me, This however, is. I felt like i needed to clear the air up a bit.

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 06:59 PM

I could try to google that shit but I really don't have time for that bs(I'd rather be working on my own car if I had any extra) and like I bookmark every bs post I see from him lol. I don't really care, I was just seeing if anyone had any result with them on here... I not really here for the drama, just facts.

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 07:07 PM

Lol your too funny. I don't really care about grammer when I'm trying to type from my shitty ass phone. It's all hear say, but yet you admit to copy amd pasting beacuse your too lazy. Okay there kiddo. You know what? I am a kid, a 32 year old kid who loves tinkering with cars. Been doing since I was a little tike, grew up around stock cars, and hot rods.

C.R.A.Y. 12-22-2014 07:10 PM

Here for facts
.. Can't prove any himself. Spreads gossip like a house wife. Legit

AZ_CIVIC 12-22-2014 07:22 PM

There are no facts or tech on this site LOL. Just visit the All Motor, Forced Inductuon and Drag section they are empty.
Your best bet for any useful tech is Honda Tech, if you are really interested in tech or racing.

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 07:56 PM

Facts as in, maybe someone more local and does't work at a shop that may also be trying to sell his cams, has input, dyno, track comparisons. You know that sort of thing...I'm not going to going on with the ordeal, I have nothing to gain or lose so not really worth my time. I mean some of these posts were years ago before ddtech was even ddtech.

Have you ever tuned a set of his cams or...?

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 08:01 PM

Thanks, I know ht has alot of good info(and bad) but that doesn't mean there isn't alot of member here who know alot of good info. They just don't post..

C.R.A.Y. 12-22-2014 08:07 PM

Smh.... Kids

AZ_CIVIC 12-22-2014 08:52 PM

So if there are a lot of good members who know a lot but don't post that kind of defeats the purpose of creating a tech thread right?

Talking crap about DDTech without using their product is the same. Kind of like the people who say junk2 but "junk2" has worked pretty damn well with my car and many others.

Unless you used those cams and have first hand experience with the product can't really bash on the product.

BoostedJ 12-22-2014 09:11 PM


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